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National Service Blog
Yankees’ HOPE Week Showcases Good Works

Once again the Corporation for National and Community Service is collaborating with the New York Yankees during its fourth annual HOPE Week (Helping Others Persevere & Excel) June 25-29 as the baseball franchise recognizes acts of goodwill and the hope and encouragement they provide.

Each day during HOPE Week, the Yankees will highlight an individual, family or organization for recognition, and team members will attempt to personally connect with them at locations that honor the spirit of their service. The hope (pun intended) is that the publicity will spread the message that everyone can give of themselves to make their community a better place.

HOPE Week honorees will all receive the President's Volunteer Service Award, which is given “in recognition and appreciation of commitment to strengthening the Nation and for making a difference through volunteer service.” The groups and individuals honored during the week will also be recognized at Yankee Stadium during a Yankees game.

HOPE Week is about people helping people. Perhaps these stories will inspire others because the one thing everybody has to give -- no matter their background or financial situation -- is time.

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