USTDA Events

Ukraine Power Plant Modernization Reverse Trade Mission

Dates: Fall 2012

Locations: Washington, DC; northeastern Ohio; Schenectady, NY; and Boston, MA

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) will bring a group of eleven (11) Ukrainian public and private power generation sector officials to the United States for a Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) in 2012. Consistent with Ukraine's plans to modernize its thermal power generation fleet, and in particular its coal-fired power plants, the delegates will be visiting a U.S. power plant, meeting with U.S. Government energy sector officials, as well as U.S. vendors of power generation equipment, air pollution control equipment and power engineering services.

The RTM activity will feature a Business Briefing for qualified U.S. companies, including the opportunity for one-on-one meetings.

For more information, please contact Ms. Olympia Brescia by e-mail at or by phone at (781) 641-2900.