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Get ready for summer fun!

Vaccines Can Help Keep Your Family Healthy Throughout the Year


School is out for the summer in many areas, and for some families, that means it’s an exciting time to get ready for camp!  There are lots of ways to prepare for going to summer camp, from making sure your children’s sleeping bags are labeled to stocking up on sunscreen.  

Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to keep your kids and other campers healthy at day camps and sleep away camps.

Campers may get injured or sick during their time away because of outdoor activities and the close living conditions at camps.  Vaccinations can help protect against certain diseases and conditions.  Be sure your vaccinations and your family’s vaccinations are up-to-date.  

Ask your doctor or nurse what vaccinations are recommended. He or she may recommend the following vaccines depending on your child’s medical history, destination, and other factors. 

Vaccines to Help Protect You and Your Family During Summertime

Pertussis (whooping cough)
Hepatitis A

You can find other tips for safe and healthy camping and summer trips at the CDC’s Health and Safety Tips for Summer Camp page.  

Learn more about the diseases that vaccines prevent in the Diseases section of Vaccines.gov.