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Media Contact: Fred Strohl
Communications and Media Relations

Wireless car charging system researched at ORNL

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OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Sep. 12, 2012 — Power electronics engineers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are working on a new electrical vehicles system that would enable charging to be done through a wireless technology.

ORNL engineer John Miller said the process would eliminate the need for plug-ins.

"There are no cables and there are no plugs," Miller said. "You don't even have to think about it. You simply park your car like you normal would. The car communicates with this charger through a radio. The whole idea is that it is autonomous. You don't even have to think about it. The car takes care of charging itself."

Another part of this technology would be the ability to charge vehicles while they are in motion.

"You would have the equivalent of this stationary wireless charging," Miller said. "You would be on an energized section of roadway where as you're going or commuting you would have a special lane - the equivalent of an HOV lane - and you would charge on the fly.

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