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Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax (FAET) Forms

TTB Forms can be downloaded in Portable Document Format (PDF) and saved on your personal drive, filled-in online, and printed for your convenience.  To download a PDF file, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your system.  To download a free copy of Adobe Reader, click here.

Select each item to access instructions and forms for filing information with TTB or you can download a complete application and informational packet from our site by clicking here.

    1. Add the following:


Form number

Title of form:

Use this form to:

TTB F 5300.26

Federal Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Return

file your tax return

TTB F 5300.27

Federal Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax Deposit

Tax deposits are no longer required.  Tax payments are now due with your quarterly tax return. Read more.

TTB F 5300.28

Application for Registration for Tax-Free Transactions Under 26 U.S.C. 4221

apply to make tax-free sales of firearms

TTB F 5600.33

Statement of Ultimate Vendor

‘I-Form’ For use in claiming credit or refund of overpayment determined under section 6416(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code

TTB F 5600.34

Exemption Certification (Use on Certain Vessels or Aircraft

‘I-Form’ For use by purchasers of articles for use as fuel supplies, ships' stores, sea stores, or legitimate equipment on certain vessels or aircraft (section 4221 of the Internal Revenue Code)

TTB F 5600.35

Exemption Certification (Use by State or Local Governments)

‘I-Form’ For use by State and local governments (section 4221(a)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code)

TTB F 5600.36

Statement of Manufacturer’s Vendee (For Exports)

‘I-Form’ To support tax-free sales of taxable articles to a purchaser for export or for resale to a second purchaser for export (section 4221(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code)

TTB F 5600.37

Statement of Manufacturer’s Vendee (Use in Further Manufacture)

‘I-Form’ To support tax-free sales of taxable articles to a purchaser for resale to a second purchaser for use in further manufacture (section 4221(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code)

TTB F 5620.8

Claim - Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Taxes
Need Help with Form 5620.8?  Try our helpful tutorial!