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TTBGov About TTB

Consumer Corner

About TTB

About TTB

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Mission | Who We Are | Our Responsibilities


Our mission is to collect Federal excise taxes on alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and ammunition and to assure compliance with Federal tobacco permitting and alcohol permitting, labeling, and marketing requirements to protect consumers. Read more.

Who We Are

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is the newest bureau under the Department of the Treasury. We employ some 500 people across the country, including our Headquarters Offices in Washington, D.C., and the National Revenue Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our staff are highly educated and technically trained; more than half are analysts, chemists, investigators and auditors. In addition, a large number of employees serve as financial, legal, information management, and computer specialists.

Our Responsibilities

Our main responsibilities are protecting the public and collecting the revenue. We carry out these responsibilities by developing regulations, conducting product analysis, ensuring tax and trade compliance with the Federal Alcohol Administration Act and the Internal Revenue Code. Read more.