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Manager's Tool Kit

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Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS)
DOD. USACE. Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study.
Update 4/18/12 - GLMRIS Releases final ANS Control Paper based on public input following a 60-day public comment period after the initial paper was released in Dec 2011.
GLMRIS explores options and technologies available, collectively known as aquatic nuisance species (ANS) controls, that could be applied to prevent ANS transfer between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins through aquatic pathways. USACE issued a paper that identifies available options or technologies that may be effective for preventing ANS. See ANS Control Paper for more information. See Stay Involved to learn how to participate in GLMRIS.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grant and Partnership Programs that Can Address Invasive Species Research, Technical Assistance, Prevention and Control - Federal Fiscal Year 2012 (Nov 22, 2011; PDF | 167 KB)
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This workbook contains basic information on programs in USDA that could be used to fund and support invasive species related projects. This list should be a helpful place to start a search for sources of technical and financial resources for invasive species activities but may not include all potential invasive species funding opportunities. Please use this workbook to help in your important and vital work in safeguarding and enhancing natural, recreational and agricultural resources. Join with USDA in fighting invasive species: prepare, protect, and prevent!

IPM3 -- Integrated Pest Managment Education / Registration Information
University of Minnesota. College of Continuing Education.
IPM3 is a consortium of federal agencies and land-grant institiutions dedicated to the efficient and timely delivery of practical integrated pest information to individuals responsible for developing and implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM3 provides a Web-based, distance delivery opportunity for people interested in IPM to become proficient in the principles and application of IPM. Increasing the quality and consistency of IPM training among Federal agencies and their adoption of an IPM approach for invasive species management will certainly help minimize harm to the environment, to human health, and to wildlife.

iMapInvasivesiMapInvasives: Geotracking invasive exotic species
The Nature Conservancy.
iMapInvasives is a tool to serve the needs of land managers, regional planners and others working to prevent, control or manage invasive species. A consortium was formed to develop, support and maintain an on-line, GIS-based, all-taxa invasive species mapping tool. A particular emphasis is placed on functionality designed to aid in Early Detection/Rapid Response (EDRR) efforts.

Healthy Habitats Coalition
North American Weed Management Association.
Healthy Habitats Coaltion (HHC) is a collective group, working to enhance invasive species control (all taxa) with various parters. The goal of the HHC is to secure federal funding and enact legislation to protect the nation's land and waters from the harmful economic and environmental impacts of invasive species. HHC includes non-governmental organizations, industry, academia, state and county agencies, and invasive species managers striving to:

• reduce economic and environmental harm caused by invasive species;

• advocate structural and budgetary change within the federal government to achieve long-term prevention and management of invasive species;

• coordinate invasive species management efforts across federal, state, and local organizations

As a supporting point, the Western Governors have recently passed a new Policy Resolution 10-4"Combating Invasive Species" (DOC | 88 KB) that focuses on the regional issue, provides supportive policy and has outlined certain directives.

Board Meeting RoomRapid Response Plan for Aquatic Invasive Species
Maryland Sea Grant College Program.
The Rapid Response Planning for Aquatic Invasive Species: A Maryland Example (Jan 2009; PDF | 11.5 MB) serves as a tool for states in the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond to use in developing their own Rapid Response Plans. A template version allows agencies to tailor the plan to address their specific needs. This example document is a result of the state of Maryland's use of the template. The Mid-Atlantic Panel encourages states in the Mid-Atlantic and elsewhere to download the template to customize your State's rapid response and also provides an Aquatic Invasive Species Sighting Report (PDF | 74 KB) form for use in your agency.

Roadside revegetationRoadside Revegetation Portal - An Integrated Approach to Establishing Native Plants
DOT. Federal Highway Administration.
This site contains three integrated and interlinked modules dedicated to explaining the art and science of roadside revegetation. The Roadside Revegetation online portal was prepared for the Coordinated Technology Implementation Program (CTIP).

USDA, Forest Service logoEastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC) and Forest Threat Summary Viewer
USDA. Forest Service.
The mission of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center is to generate, integrate, and apply knowledge to predict, detect, and assess environmental threats to public and private forests of the east, and to deliver this knowledge to managers in ways that are timely, useful, and user friendly.

National Wildlife Refuge System logoManaging Invasive Plants: Concepts, Principles, and Practices
DOI. FWS. National Wildlife Refuge System.
Provides an overview of invasive plant management and planning supported by case studies, quizzes, scientific literature, and web-based resources valuable to natural resource professionals.

Oxygen weed - Invasive.orgSpecies Not Established in the U.S.
This section provides examples of why we must increase our efforts in early detection and rapid response and prevention of new introductions.
Men in fieldMy Stories
My Stories is a collection of personal stories based on interviews of public and private land managers. These stories are intended to provide general information about invasive species, their control and management, and their impacts on our environment.

This resource was developed by the University of Arizona, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (formerly the Office of Arid Lands Studies) in cooperation with NISIC.


Contains invasive species management plans, control mechanisms, decision support tools, and policy development tools.

Early Detection and Rapid Response

Describes detection methods for invasive species and coordinated responses to these threats.

Education for Professionals

Explores opportunities related to continuing education for invasive species management professionals. Includes educational materials and coursework information.

Expertise Databases

Provides a list of resources that contain contact information for experts in various disciplines related to invasive species.

Grants and Funding

Contains grants information, requests for proposals, and other funding sources for invasive species management.


Describes research, methodology, and results from the monitoring of current invasive species problems.

Outreach Tools

Provides links for resources created to assist in increasing awareness of invasive species issues.


Contains information on the prevention of invasive species.

Research Projects

Describes current and past research done on invasive species, biodiversity, biological control, and integrated pest management.


Covers the restoration of habitats, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

Vectors and Pathways

Discusses the movement of invasive species, including both natural and man-made pathways.

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Last Modified: Aug 09, 2012
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Manager's Tool Kit
    Early Detection and Rapid Response
    Education for Professionals
    Expertise Databases
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    Outreach Tools
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    Vectors and Pathways
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