May 2012

May 22, 2012

The Race to the Top District Competition

We all know that the real work of educating children happens in the classroom among teachers and students in partnership with strong principals and involved parents.

May 19, 2012

Walking the Beauty Way

Good morning everyone, and thank you for having me here today. I can't tell you how honored I am to have this opportunity. I have walked in beauty with the Navajo people in this land. It is an opportunity I will never forget.

May 12, 2012

The Ladder Beneath My Feet

I feel very fortunate to be here today to share in something which I think we do too little of in the field of education—and that is to celebrate success. To our graduates, and to their families who have supported them on this journey, congratulations.

May 3, 2012

Broadening the Spirit of Respect and Cooperation for the Global Public Good

Strengthening Education as a Global Public Good

Thank you, Dr. Goodman, for that kind introduction—and for your leadership of this valued and venerable institution. It's striking to realize that IIE is approaching its centennial—and to consider its remarkable achievements during that time, in strengthening educational exchange and promoting understanding among nations.