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Weak Interaction Physics

Ultra-Sensitive Nuclear Measurements Initiative

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's research initiative in the area of Ultra-Sensitive Nuclear Measurement is a five-year investment aimed at building capabilities to discover, measure, and characterize rare physical events through increasingly sensitive nuclear measurement systems.

The initiative is comprised of nine research projects that focus on the following three areas:

Unifying Goal
  • Fundamental Physics Discovery meant to deliver unique scientific contributions in the analysis, interpretation and discovery of rare-event physics and environmental radioisotopes
  • Ultrasensitive Measurement Systems for one-of-a-kind, ultrasensitive, laboratory-based measurements capable of rapid, world-class sample characterization
  • Environmental Radioisotopes used to secure signature science leadership by applying measurement capability to nuclear security and environmental science missions

Our goal through this initiative is to develop transformational capabilities that will be demonstrated in targeted, impactful measurements and analyses relevant to the nuclear fuel cycle, understanding transport in environmental systems, and fundamental physics discovery.

For more information, contact

Dr. Jim Fast, Lead
Ultra-Sensitive Nuclear Measurements Initiative
Office: 509-375-1772

Weak Interaction Physics



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Fundamental & Computational Sciences