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  • Roadrunner team with computer

    Nuclear Deterrence

    Supercomputers simulate nuclear weapons performance—scientists then experiment to refine and verify data—to assure effectiveness of our deterrent without nuclear testing.

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    Reducing Global Threats

    From epidemics to terrorist attacks, cyber security sabotage to energy security, LANL has unique capabilities that focus on identifying, anticipating, and responding to emerging threats.

  • wind turbine

    Energy Security

    Protecting our energy infrastructure while developing clean, sustainable energy sources are key areas of research and technology to ensure a secure future.

Charlie McMillan, Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory

Charlie McMillan, Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, describes how the Lab provides leadership in science and technology.

Roger Wiens, Principal Investigator for ChemCam aboard the Curiosity rover, discusses his work at Los Alamos

Roger Wiens, talks about his lifetime career in space researcn and contributions to Curiosity Rover.

Dr. Claire White, LANL postdoc, discusses the nanoscale of low-CO2 geopolymer concrete, addressing critical questions regarding performance, durability of this emerging construction material

Claire White, LANL postdoc, discusses the nanoscale of low-CO2 geopolymer concrete.

Charlie McMillan, Director of Los Alamos National Laboratory, describes who the Lab is looking to hire.

Charlie McMillan, LANL director, says who the Lab is looking to hire.

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