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Space Weather Prediction Center

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Non-SWPC Sources of Space Weather Data

US Government and Affiliated Sites

The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) provides near-real time solar-terrestrial data in a variety of formats including solar images, text reports, data lists, and data plots. Data are available via WWW, anonymous ftp, and a List Server.

SOLCOORD - Current Solar Data and Worldwide Observing Plans

The Solar-Terrestrial Physics division of the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) archives data in three main disciplines (Geomagnetism, Ionosphere, and Solar & Upper Atmosphere), and two related satellite programs (DMSP and GOES). Much of the data collected by SWPC is archived by NGDC and available on various media.

The Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory (lmsal) web sites: 72 hour Summaries and Forecast page* and Solar Soft: recent images and event time line*

The Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a cooperative ESA / NASA site, has several pages real-time space weather images: The very latest SOHO images and Current Space Weather, and other general information: SOHO: Exploring the Sun

International Partners

The International Space Environment Services (ISES)*, formerly the International Ursigram and World Days Service (IUWDS), is a joint service of URSI, IAU and IUGG and is a permanent service of the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Services (FAGS). ISES has had an important role in coordinating the exchange of solar-terrestrial data between organizations around the world. Centres, known as Regional Warning Centres (RWCs), have the responsibility for collecting data from their geographical areas and exchanging these data through the ISES network. At present, there are ten RWCs located in Beijing (China), Boulder(USA), Moscow(Russia), Brussels (Belgium), New Delhi (India), Ottawa (Canada), Prague (Czech Republic), Tokyo (Japan), Sydney (Australia) and Warsaw (Poland).

The Japanese National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Space Environment Information Service* of the provides solar radio spectra, H-alpha images, geomagnetic data, digital ionograms, and a variety of other solar-terrestrial data.

The IPS Radio and Space Services* in Sydney, Australia provides real-time space weather data, forecasts and alerts for a wide variety of conditions, including; Solar, Geophysical, HP Propagation, Ionospheric, and TEC.

RWC Belgium World Data Center for the Sunspot Index (SIDC)* -- Fast warnings and real time monitoring -- Short-term predictions (3 days) and alerts are produced on a daily basis. Forecasts and middle term analysis -- the daily, monthly, yearly international sunspot numbers, with middle range predictions (up to 12 months). Post-event analysis and long term solar cycle analysis.

Solar Weather Browser (SWB)* is a software tool developed by the Royal Observatory of Belgium for easy visualization of solar images in combination with any context information that can be overlaid on the images and that is space weather relevant.

European Space Agency (ESA) Shortcuts to space weather forecasts*

Educational Institutions

The University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute, Poker Flat Rocket Range provides Auroral Activity Forecasts* and other interesting information and data about aurora.

The University of Oulu, Finland, Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory* web site has real-time magnetometer data and daily Ionosonde and Riometer data.

CELIAS/MTOF Proton Monitor* - the latest 48 hours of solar wind data using the SOHO Spacecraft, from the University of Maryland.

Solar Activity Reports* from the Big Bear Solar Observatory Web page from New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT).

Space Weather and Space Physics Educational Sites

Geomagnetic data from national and international sites

Forecasts and Summaries

Real-time and Recent Data

Final Indices


* Link to a non U.S. government site.

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National Centers for Environmental Prediction
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Page last modified: August 24, 2007


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