
EO 13423

Executive Order (EO) 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management," was signed by President Bush on January 24, 2007. EO 13423 instructs Federal agencies to conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities under the law in support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically and fiscally sound, integrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner. The Order sets goals in the following areas:
  • energy efficiency
  • acquisition
  • renewable energy
  • toxic chemical reduction
  • recycling
  • sustainable buildings
  • electronics stewardship
  • fleets
  • water conservation
E.O. 13423 rescinds several previous EOs, including E.O. 13101, E.O. 13123, E.O. 13134, E.O. 13148, and E.O. 13149.

In addition, the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices. It is supplemented by implementing instructions, issued on March 29, 2007 by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).

OMB is also integral in the execution of E.O. 13423. The E.O. requires the OMB Director to issue instructions concerning periodic evaluation, budget matter, and acquisition relating to agency implementation of the E.O. OMB issues budget guidance through updates to Circular No. A-11. OMB will also continue to track agencies' progress on EO and EPACT goals through the three management scorecards on environmental stewardship, energy, and transportation.

Information relating to EO 13423 can be obtained through the following links below:

For detailed guidance on EMS, see Program Areas -> EMS.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy


EO 13423
Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management
24 January 2007
Executive Order 13423 "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", signed by President Bush on January 24, 2007. The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation. In addition the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices.
This contains DOE supplemental guidance to the Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423 dated January 2008. This document provides clarification and guidance to achieve the water reduction goals of section 2(c) of Executive Order 13423 and the Instructions for Implementing Executive Order 13423, dated March 29, 2007. Beginning in 2008, Federal agencies must reduce water consumption intensity through life-cycle cost-effective measures, relative to the baseline of the agency's water consumption in fiscal year 2007 by 2 percent annually through the end of FY 2015 or 16 percent by the end of FY 2015.
This document, issued January 14, 2008 clarifies that "waste diversion" means source reduction and recycling. Agencies cannot count waste diverted from landfills to waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities.
The Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG), as a subcommittee of the Steering Committee established by Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, initiated development of this guidance, dated 1 December 2008, to assist agencies in meeting the high performance and sustainable buildings goals of E.O. 13423, section 2(f).
The Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG), as a subcommittee of the Steering Committee established by Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, initiated development of this guidance, dated 1 December 2008, to assist agencies in meeting the high performance and sustainable buildings goals of E.O. 13423, section 2(f). This guidance also includes the Comment Resolution Summary detailing responses to comments on the draft version of this document.
This document provides guidance for federal agencies that choose to include the purchase of Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) registered products as part of a strategy for achieving the toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials reduction goals of Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management." Use of this guidance is not required for any federal agency or facility.
This memorandum, dated 7 July 2008, clarifies EPA's position regarding the relationship between EO requirements and proposed Federal Agency SEPs. The document explains those situations where a proposal that is similar in nature to directives of an EO may otherwise be acceptable under the SEP policy regarding acceptance of proposals "that may not have otherwise occurred" without the settlement.
EO 13423 Implementing Instructions
Memorandum by CEQ Chairman James L. Connaughton, dated March 28, 2007, to the heads of Executive Branch departments and agencies, announcing the release of the instructions and requirements for implementing the goals of Executive Order 13423 "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management."
Monday, June 18, 2007 Federal Register Notice of Availability of E.O. 13423 Implementing Instructions.
In accordance with Section 4(b) of Executive Order 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", implementing instructions have been issued to Federal agencies to provide detail and direction to agencies as the work to fulfill the goals and requirement of the Executive Order. Section 8 of these instructions are specific to pollution prevention. These instructions are dated March 29, 2007.
EO 13423 Scorecards
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status (FY09) and progress (Jul-Dec09) for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Details the status and progress for each agency in the areas of energy, transportation, and environment.
Reporting Under EO 13423
FEDRPTS is a voluntary online data repository and reporting tool providing the Federal regulated community with an easy way to quickly set up and respond to a Congressional or Executive Office status request on any programmatic environmental topic of concern. Current reports include underground storage tank (UST) inventory and EMS Compliance reporting. This tool is availabe to FedCenter members who are participating in the required reporting via FEDRPTs. The FEDRPTS home page is located at: http://www.fedcenter.gov/assistance/fedrpts/.
Regulations, Guidance, and Policy Bottom Border
Supporting Information and Tools
Databases/Software Tools
FEDRPTS is a voluntary online data repository and reporting tool providing the Federal regulated community with an easy way to quickly set up and respond to a Congressional or Executive Office status request on any programmatic environmental topic of concern. Current reports include underground storage tank (UST) inventory and EMS Compliance reporting. This tool is availabe to FedCenter members who are participating in the required reporting via FEDRPTs. The FEDRPTS home page is located at: http://www.fedcenter.gov/assistance/fedrpts/.
The NPEP program encourages public and private organizations to form voluntary partnerships with EPA to reduce the use or release of any of 31 Priority Chemicals (PCs). NPEP is part of EPA's National Waste Minimization Program and the Resource Conservation Challenge, a national effort to conserve natural resources and energy by managing materials more efficiently. EPA has established a National Waste Minimization Goal to act as a measurement of program success. Our goal is to work with industry and the public to reduce the use or release of 4 million pounds of priority chemicals by 2011
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Lessons Learned
EO 13423 Implementing Instruction Support
The March 2007 E.O. 13423 Implementing Instructions, Section VIII.A provides: "No later than January 24, 2008 each agency, at all appropriate organizational levels ......shall develop written goals and support actions to identify and reduce the release and use of toxic and hazardous chemicals and materials .....and other pollutants that may result in significant harm to human health or the environment." This checklist identifies the minimum elements that each agency should consider in developing its toxic and hazardous chemicals goals and plans. The checklist was developed by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in conjunction with the Interagency Environmental Leadership Workgroup and the Interagency Sustainable Acquisition and Materials Management Practices Workgroup. Completed and updated plans are to be forwarded to OFEE.
This site explains how to insure the Energy Star® features are enabled on 100 percent of computers and monitors or to the maximum degree based on mission needs (EO 13423, Section 2(h)).
Provides EPP information for buildings, carpets, cleaners, conferences, copiers, electronics, food serviceware, and the Database of Environmental Information for Products and Services (EO 13423, Section 2(d) and 2(h)).
An on-going initiative to track contaminants commonly derived from wastewater sources and found to be present in the environment on a global scale. A list of target compounds are identified as emerging contaminants. This site should be consulted when agencies are developing written goals and support actions to identify and reduce the release and use of toxic andhazardous chemicals and materials, including toxic chemicals, hazardous substances,ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), and other pollutants that may result in significant harm to human health or the environment (EO 13423, Section 2(e)).
Priority Chemicals
No items available
Status Reports
This October 2007 report to the President addresses the status of Federal environmental and energy management from 2004 through 2006. Through EO 13423 the President called on the Federal government to lead by example, be a good neighbor, and be a good environmental steward -- while at the same time meeting their missions in an efficient and reliable manner. This report highlights the activities and accomplishments of the Federal community in meeting the charge.
Lessons Learned Bottom Border
Training, Presentations, and Briefings
Presentation by Will Garvey from the EPA at the June 2007 Federal Environmental Symposium.
Presentation by Nicole Villamizer from the EPA Office of Solid waste at the June 2007 Federal Environmental Symposium.
Presentation by Brad Gustafson from the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) as a part of an open forum discussion at the June 2007 Federal Environmental Symposium.
Presentation by Will Garvey from the EPA as a part of an open forum discussion at the June 2007 Federal Environmental Symposium.
Conferences and Events
No Items Available
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