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Partner logos: BLM, FWS, FS, NPS, University of Montana Logo
Connecting federal employees, scientists, educators, and the public with their wilderness heritage
Alpine vegetation surveys in Glacier National Park's proposed wilderness (Credit: National Park Service) Leadership map skills training (Credit: Bay Area Wilderness Training) Grazing, where it existed prior to designation, is still allowed in some areas, like the Ojito Wilderness (Credit: Deanna Nichos) A grizzly bear in the Katmai Wilderness (Credit: Mike Ballinger) Donut, wilderness dog, takes a rest on the trail (Credit: Leah Anova) Autumn leaves (Credit: A. Burrows Photography) The Bonita prescribed fire in the Chiricahua National Monument Wilderness (Credit: Alan Whalon)
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September, 2012


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Official 50th Anniversary Planning Countdown
On August 23, leaders of the Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service and National Park Service joined the Society for Wilderness Stewardship and other wilderness organizations in recognizing the upcoming anniversary and the countdown to 2014. At the event, a formal Memorandum Of Understanding was signed, signifying commitments between the four Federal agencies and non-profit groups to collaborate in developing and implementing effective nationwide 50th anniversary education programs, activities, events, and products to celebrate the establishment of our National Wilderness Preservation System and to convey the ecological and social benefits of an enduring wilderness resource to the American people. Want to begin planning a celebratory event in your community? Check out the 50th Anniversary Event Planning Toolbox.


Arthur Carhart
Aldo Leopold
A student conducting invasive plant inventory using a GPS unit is a public wilderness information website formed in 1996 through a collaborative partnership between the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center and the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute--the federal government's wilderness training and research arms, respectively--and the College of Forestry and Conservation's Wilderness Institute at the University of Montana.

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