United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Servicemembers' & Veterans' Group Life Insurance

Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection Program

Every member who has SGLI also has TSGLI effective December 1, 2005. This coverage applies to active duty members, reservists, National Guard members, funeral honors duty and one-day muster duty.

This benefit is also provided retroactively for members who incurred severe losses as a result of traumatic injuries incurred between October 7, 2001 and November 30, 2005, regardless of the geographic location where the injury occurred, and regardless of whether they had SGLI coverage at the time of their injury. Effective October 1, 2011, the Veterans’ Benefit Improvement Act of 2010 removed the requirement that injuries during the retroactive period be incurred in Operations Enduring or Iraqi Freedom. Follow this link to view a video about retroactive TSGLI benefits.

Losses to the Genitourinary System now Covered by SGLI Traumatic Injury Protection

VA has amended its regulations to add certain genitourinary injuries to the Schedule of Covered Losses under the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection Program, or TSGLI. Genitourinary injuries are injuries of or to the genitals or the urinary system. Payments for covered genitourinary losses range from $25,000 to $50,000 and are retroactive to October 7, 2001. The new losses added to the TSGLI Schedule of Losses include the following: anatomical loss of penis, permanent loss of use of the penis, anatomical loss of one or both testicles, permanent loss of use of both testicles, anatomical loss of the vulva, uterus or vaginal canal, permanent loss of use of the vulva or vaginal canal, anatomical loss of one or both ovaries, permanent loss of use of both ovaries, and total and permanent loss of urinary system function. Follow this link for a detailed explanation of genitourinary losses. Follow this link for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about TSGLI coverage for genitourinary injuries.

TSGLI Online Training Now Available!
VA Insurance has designed an interactive online training program to help Branch of Service TSGLI Offices train employees to administer the TSGLI program. access TSGLI Online Training


Use one of the following links for additional information about TSGLI.