
Chairman:  Joe Pitts (PA-16)
Public health and quarantine; hospital construction; mental health; biomedical research and development; health information technology, privacy, and cybersecurity; public health insurance (Medicare, Medicaid) and private health insurance; medical malpractice and medical malpractice insurance; the regulation of food, drugs, and cosmetics; drug abuse; the Department of Health and Human Services; the National Institutes of Health; the Centers for Disease Control; Indian Health Service; and all aspects of the above-referenced jurisdiction related to the Department of Homeland Security.



Joe Pitts (PA), Chair
Michael Burgess (TX), Vice Chair
Ed Whitfield (KY)
John Shimkus (IL)
Mike Rogers (MI)
Sue Myrick (NC)
Tim Murphy (PA)
Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Phil Gingrey (GA)
Bob Latta (OH)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA)
Leonard Lance (NJ)
Bill Cassidy (LA)
Brett Guthrie (KY)
Joe Barton (TX)
Fred Upton (MI)


Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ), Ranking Member
John D. Dingell (MI)
Edolphus Towns (NY)
Eliot L. Engel (NY)
Lois Capps (CA)
Jan Schakowsky (IL)
Charles A. Gonzalez (TX)
Tammy Baldwin (WI)
Mike Ross (AR)
Jim Matheson (UT)
Henry A. Waxman (CA)

September 14, 2012 | Hearing
This hearing will review the use of special hiring authorities under Title 42 by the Department of Health and Human Services to appoint and compensate specialized science and research positions, many of which are well above the salary limits for federal employees.
September 14, 2012 | Blog Post

WASHINGTON, DC – The Government Accountability Office testified before the Health Subcommittee today to discuss the Department and Health and Human Services’ and EPA’s use of “Title 42” to hire specialists.

September 11, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC –The Government Accountability Office today released a report on the collection and analysis of anthrax samples, which revealed implementation issues. The anthrax attacks in 2001 highlighted the federal government’s inadequate preparedness to respond to an intentional release.

September 11, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, chaired by Rep.

August 20, 2012 | Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C.— House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Joe Pitts (R-PA) today pushed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to answer outstanding questions from members of Congress, the Republican Governors Association, and the Nationa

