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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Office of the CEO


House to Act on Reauthorization


Dear National Service Colleagues:

A quick heads up: this week the full House of Representative is expected to consider H.R. 2857, which would reauthorize the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs.

The GIVE Act (Generations Invigorating Volunteering and Education) is a bipartisan reauthorization package that includes many proposals consistent with the Administration’s principles on reauthorization. The bill passed the House Education and Labor Committee by a vote of 44-0 last June. The Statement of Administration Policy (SAP) on the bill is below -- we've also posted it at

The House Rules Committee plans to meet at 5:00 pm today (Tuesday) to discuss the process for considering floor amendments. As soon as the text of amendments becomes available on the Rules Committee website, you'll be able to find them on the Corporation’s website. The website has extensive information on reauthorization including the Education and Labor Committee Report with the bill text, explanation and minority views; an executive summary; and a statement of the Administration’s reauthorization principles.

As the SAP makes clear, we are pleased about this reauthorization initiative because it will allow the Corporation to operate more efficiently, be more responsive to state and local needs, and mobilize more citizens to meet pressing needs. We have some concerns and understand that there will be no shortage of views and ideas within our national service family. We look forward to discussing these issues as the legislation moves forward. We will continue to share developments periodically by email and will post updates on our legislation page at

In Service,

David Eisner
CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service


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