  1. Arcam, ORNL sign cooperation agreement

    Arcam and Oak Ridge National Laboratory have signed a cooperation agreement under which the parties will facilitate the introduction of Arcam's EBM technology to U.S. industry through a manufacturing demonstration facility (MDF). ORNL purchased its first Arcam EBM system in 2009. Since that time ORNL and Arcam have worked together to create opportunities for U.S .industry to adopt Arcam's EBM technology to meet emerging advanced manufacturing challenges.

  2. ORNL Home to New Battery Manufacturing R&D Facility

    Future automotive batteries could cost less and pack more power because of a new manufacturing research and development facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The $3 million Department of Energy facility allows for collaboration with industry and other national labs while protecting intellectual property of industrial partners.

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Additive manufacturing is an industrial form of 3D printing that makes large complicated designs with very little waste.

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    2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT

    This webcast will provide an overview of public relations best practices and offer tips for convincing senior management to exploit energy efficiency opportunities.

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    STEM Education

    Introducing the next generation of engineers to the next generation of manufacturing by working with student teams from regional high schools to create prototypes, components, and working systems for the FIRST Robotics Competition.