RSS Feed for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations

July 6, 2009

You can sign up for the USUN's RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed to get the latest news from the U.S. Mission to the United Nations delivered directly to your desktop via an RSS reader or news aggregator.

USUN Updates


You can subscribe to this RSS feed using:

  • A separate RSS reader application. A list of RSS readers can be found by using any search engine to find an "RSS Reader." 
  • An RSS-aware web browser, such as Firefox, or Safari for Macintosh OS X.
  • A web-based RSS aggregator, such as My Yahoo or My MSN, using the one-click subscription feeds above.

Once you choose an RSS reader and install it, follow the instructions provided with the RSS Reader to add the feed below. The news reader then will continually pull the latest headlines from the USUN RSS feed.

Additional RSS feeds are available from the U.S. Department of State at