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Products for Law Enforcement Action Kit (PEAK)
National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization
May 21 - June 03, 2012 

Welcome, Law Enforcement. We need your help!

The 2012 national Click it or Ticket mobilization is May 21 through June 3. NHTSA has prepared this Products for Enforcement Action Kit (PEAK) to help you rally your officers and alert the public to prepare for maximum high-visibility seat belt enforcement during the day and also at night.

Statistics show that passenger vehicle occupants are buckling up more during the day, but not enough at night. This mobilization is created to crackdown on violators 24-7, but a strong enforcement effort is urged between the nighttime hours of 6 p.m. and 5:59 a.m. due to the significant number of violators and fatal crashes during this time.

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5 Items
Analyzing the First Years of the CIOT Mobilizations Preview | Download
Evaluation of the 2007 CIOT Mobilization Preview | Download
Seat Belt Use in 2011 Preview | Download
Seat Belt Use in 2010 Preview | Download
Seat Belt Use in 2009 Preview | Download

Earned Media

11 Items View All
Proclamation Preview | Download
A Call To Action Preview | Download
Campaign History Preview | Download
News Release
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News Release
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5 Items
Mobilization Timeline
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Future Mobilizations
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Clock 2010
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Regional Law
Enforcement Liaisons
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Traffic Safety
Law Chart
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2 Items
Various Formats
English - Spanish
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B&W - Color - EPS Preview | Download


2 Items
State Traffic Safety
Information Website
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Traffic Safety
Fact Sheets
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