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National Respite Locator

Before searching for respite, please read this consumer's guide, The ABCs of Respite, for assistance in choosing a respite care provider and for additional funding and support information.

The National Respite Locator Service helps parents, family caregivers, and professionals find respite services in their state and local area to match their specific needs. Please give us your feedback by completeing this short survey. Let me know if you have any problems with this service, or if you find that a listing is out of date or no longer providing respite care.  To reach me via email, click Mike Mathers.  By phone, I can be reached at 919-490-5577 x 223. Thank you for using this service.

Please note that this database is provided for informational purposes only and is not all-inclusive. The fact that an organization is or is not listed in the database does not represent an endorsement or lack of endorsement for any purpose. We assume no responsibility for any claims arising from use of the online database. We do not check the background, references or any other aspect of the companies and individuals listed here. You must take responsibility for checking the background and qualifications of any respite provider you chose. For more information click here.

How to Use the "Search" Service:

Use the "Search for Respite" feature to find the programs in your state and city that provide the services you are requesting. For more information about the services offered by each agency, call the agency.  

The "Search for Respite" feature also provides information on additional state resources, including information on possible sources to help you pay for respite, including specific funding sources in your state that might be available through Medicaid Waivers or other state agency funding sources. Eligibility criteria, if available, and links to state pages to help you apply for this funding, are also provided.  This information may change frequently, so be sure to contact the appropriate state agency for more information.

Use the "State Listings" feature (above) for a listing of all the respite providers listed for the state you choose.  Click "State Information" at the top of the listings page for information on possible funding sources and eligibility information.

How to Use the "Add Your Program" Service

If you are a respite care provider, you may "Add Your Program" to the Locator Service by using this feature.Once you have registered your program, you will have a User Name and Password that will enable you to "Log-In" and make changes to your listing when you need to.

When you have a User Name and Password, you will use the "Login to Update" feature to make changes in your agency's listing.

Please Note:
The National Respite Locator database is not a complete list of all the respite programs that exist or even all the possible funding sources. If you fail to find a program near you on our list or need more information, you should check with your State Lifespan Respite Program, your State Respite Coalition, an Aging and Disability Resource Center, or the Eldercare Locator Service.

For information on state and local contacts for the National Family Caregiver Support program, which may provide funding for respite primarily for the aging population, and other critical family caregiver support services, check the Family Care Navigator, a state-by-state data base of comprehensive services and supports.  The Family Care Navigator is maintained by the Family Caregiver Alliance.

If you are a veteran or the family caregiver of a veteran, please contact the VA's Caregiver Support Line 
at 1-855-260-3274.


The Respite Locator Service is a service of the ARCH National Respite Network, a division of the Chapel Hill Training-Outreach Project, Inc.  Funding for this service is provided through the generous donations of the members of the ARCH-NRN with partial support from a cooperative agreement with the Administration on Aging, US Department of Health and Human Services. For more information about joining the ARCH-NRN click here.

For help with the Respite Locator Service, please contact Mike Mathers at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by phone at 1-919-490-5577. 




ARCH and the Family Caregiver Alliance are collaborating to provide Caregiver and Lifespan Respite T/TA.
Click here for more information.




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