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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

International Center Mission

Add value to federal, state and local criminal justice by:
  • Gaining knowledge from other countries.
  • Sharing knowledge with international communities.
  • Building knowledge together through partnerships.

International Center

As modern air travel and electronic communications extend criminal activities beyond national borders, the International Center provides a global perspective for NIJ-supported federal, state and local criminal justice programs.

The International Center:

  • Increases awareness of transnational crime and its effects on local communities.
  • Improves domestic and international access to information about transnational crime. 
  • Supports global research partnerships to conduct joint studies on all aspects of crime.
  • Ensures that NIJ-funded research programs examine and evaluate the effects, prevention and control of crime within and across borders.
  • Disseminates research, technology and best practices for fighting local, national and transnational crime.

The Center focuses on the following areas of research:

  • Terrorism.
  • International organized crime.
  • Trafficking in persons. 
  • Cybercrime.
  • Forensics.


Date Modified: April 27, 2010