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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Other Web Resources on Rape and Sexual Violence

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Federal Government

Division of Violence Prevention
A division of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Office for Victims of Crime
Enhances the Nation's capacity to assist crime victims and provides leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice and healing for all crime victims. See OVC's Help for Victims of Sexual Assault and Rape Web page and related publications.

Office on Violence Against Women
Works to reduce violence against women through the implementation of the Violence Against Women Act. The OVW Domestic Violence Web page defines domestic violence and provides links to additional resources and publications.

National Criminal Justice Reference Service
A federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information. NCJRS' topical resources on Rape and Sexual Assault and its Spotlight on Family Violence provide information about legislation, grants, publications, and training and technical assistance related to family violence.

Other Research and Victim Services Organizations

Arizona Rape Prevention and Education Program
Provides information about sexual violence prevention and education programs in Arizona, offers an overview of research materials for more than 30 rape-related topics, and provides links to information about all State coalitions.

National Alliance to End Sexual Violence
Advocates on behalf on victims and provides expertise to governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations addressing sexual violence.

National Center for Victims of Crime
A leading resource and advocacy organization for crime victims. The center has worked with more than 10,000 grassroots organizations and criminal justice agencies on behalf of crime victims.

National Online Resource Center
Provides an accessible and comprehensive collection of full-text, searchable electronic resources on domestic violence, sexual violence, and related issues.

National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
Sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Serves scientists, practitioners, advocates, grassroots organizations, and the public.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center
A comprehensive collection and distribution center for information, research, and emerging policy on sexual violence intervention and prevention. Provides an extensive online library and customized technical assistance. Coordinates National Sexual Assault Awareness Month initiatives.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
Operates a 24-hour hotline for victims of sexual assault. Callers are connected automatically to their local rape crisis center for counseling. More than 800 centers participate in the network.

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Date Modified: June 24, 2011