horizontal banner with Preserve America logo and images of a historic downtown, farm, courthouse, and mountain

Preserve America is a national initiative in cooperation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and in partnership with the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, and Transportation; U.S. General Services Administration; National Endowment for the Humanities; President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities; Institute of Museum and Library Services; and the President's Council on Environmental Quality.

The seal of the President of the United StatesAdvisory Council on Historic Preservation logoU.S. Department of Agriculture logoU.S. Department of Commerce seal
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development logoU.S. Department of the Interior seal



Preserve America Stewards

Preserve America Stewards is a designation program that recognizes programs that have demonstrated a successful use of volunteer time and commitment in order to help care for our historic heritage.

Designation recognizes programs of organizations and agencies that:

  • provide volunteers with opportunities to contribute in direct and tangible ways to the preservation, protection, and promotion of historic properties;
  • address an otherwise unfilled need in heritage preservation through the use of volunteer efforts; and
  • demonstrate innovative and creative use of volunteer assistance in areas such as youth involvement, volunteer training, public education, and public/private partnerships.

Benefits of designation include:

  • a letter of designation from First Lady Michelle Obama;
  • a certificate of recognition signed by the First Lady;
  • authorization to use the Preserve America logo in public outreach and promotional activities;
  • listing in a Web-based Preserve America Stewards directory;
  • publicity in the Preserve America e-newsletter.

Non-profit organizations, government entities (federal, state, local, or tribal), and businesses are eligible to seek designation for their programs. Four application and designation cycles occur each year, with application deadlines on March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. To apply, submit the Preserve America Stewards Application (pdf) (doc).

Thirty-six Preserve America Stewards have been officially designated and recognized for their exemplary volunteer efforts to care for historic resources around the country since the program was announced in 2008. They are the following:

Kaibab Vermilion Cliffs Heritage Alliance

Alutiiq Museum

Monterey State Historic Park

Chimney Rock Interpretive Association
San Juan Mountains Association

The Friends of 'Iolani Palace

Pleasant Home Foundation

Cascade Community Enhancement Corporation

Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County

Glasco Community Foundation

Maine Maritime Museum

Friends of Jerusalem Mill
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, Sandy Spring Lodge #6430
Society for the Preservation of Federal Hill and Fell's Point
United States Lighthouse Society

Thacher Island Association

DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society

Passport in Time (PIT) Program

Douglas County Historical Society

Southern Nevada Agency Partnership & Public Lands Institute, UNLV

New Jersey
Branch Brook Park Alliance
InfoAge Science-History Center

New Mexico
Cornerstones Community Partnerships
New Mexico SiteWatch
Valles Caldera National Preserve

New York
Bateaux Below, Inc.
Museum at Eldridge Street

Oberlin Heritage Center
Olmsted Historical Society

Independence National Historical Park
Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center

German Texan Heritage Society
Texas Archeological Society
Texas Historical Commission – RIP Guardian Program
Texas Historical Commission - Texas Archeological Stewardship Network

Fairfield Foundation

Updated August 27, 2012

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