CDC WONDER: Mortality - Multiple Cause of Death


The Mortality - Multiple Cause of Death data on CDC WONDER are county-level national mortality and population data spanning the years 1999-2006. These data are available in two separate data sets: one data set for years 1999-2004 with 3 race groups, and another data set for years 2005-2006 with 4 race groups and 3 Hispanic origin categories. Data are based on death certificates for U.S. residents. Each death certificate contains a single underlying cause of death, up to twenty additional multiple causes, and demographic data. The number of deaths, crude death rates, age-adjusted death rates, standard errors and 95% confidence intervals for death rates can be obtained by place of residence (total U.S., state, and county), age group (including infants), race, Hispanic ethnicity (years 2005-2006 only), gender, year of death, and cause-of-death (4-digit ICD-10 code or group of codes). The data are produced by the National Center for Health Statistics.

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Agency and Program Information

Agency: Department of Health & Human Services
Sub-Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency Program URL: http:/­/­­
Subject: Population Statistics
Date Released: May 8, 2009
Date Updated: Jul 12, 2010

Data Collection and Frequency

Collection Frequency: Annually
Coverage Period Start: Jan 1, 1999Converted from “1999”.
Coverage Period End: Dec 31, 2006Converted from “2006”.
Unit of Analysis: death OR cause of death
Geographic Scope: United States (USA)
Geographic Granularity: County