ORNL in the News

The search for Zacharia's successor at ORNL

(Knoxville News Sentinel) Oak Ridge National Laboratory has created a search committee for the new deputy lab director for science and technology and chief research officer...The search committee will be co-chaired by Jeff Smith, the laboratory's deputy lab director for operations, and Martin Keller, the associate lab director for energy and environmental sciences...9/12

SNS researchers overcome the freezing sample problem in biostudies

(R&D Magazine) Researchers at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) BASIS beam line at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have successfully developed a method to study biomolecules (proteins) at temperatures far below freezing using a lithium chloride preparation in the aqueous solvent that prevents freezing...9/13

ORNL, Y-12 don't fare so well in IG's energy audit

(Knoxville News Sentinel) One of the trends in audits by the Department of Energy's Office of Inspector General has been to figure out if DOE institutions are doing all they can to save energy and set an example for the nation....The latest of those IG audits found that a number of DOE facilities -- including Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant -- aren't doing all they can...9/13

DOE Funded Consortium to Explore Desert-Adapted Plants For Biofuels Feedstock Application Potential

(Biofuels Journal) A five-year, multi-institutional $14.3 million United States Department of Energy grant to explore the genetic mechanisms of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and drought tolerance in desert-adapted plants was awarded to a team of researchers including John Cushman, a biochemistry professor at the University of Nevada, Reno; Xiaohan Yang at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); James Hartwell at the University of Liverpool, UK; and Anne Borland at Newcastle University, UK and ORNL...9/13


Make installing solar panels cheap, win millions

(FutureTech) The U.S. Department of Energy has put $10 million up for grabs for businesses that can lower the costs of installing solar panels on a roof. The prize money is part of the agency’s SunShot Initiative which aims to make solar energy competitive with other forms of energy without the need for government subsidies by 2020...9/13

Y-12Day 2: Another congressional panel grills DOE 'incompetence'

(Knoxville News Sentinel) For the second day in a row, a top official with the U.S. Department of Energy tried Thursday to assure an angry congressional panel that decisive steps have been taken to secure the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant in Oak Ridge in light of a high-profile break-in at the facility...9/13

East Tennessee

More cell towers likely coming to Knoxville for expanding 4G coverage

(WBIR) As cell phone companies continue to expand their coverage to bring us faster internet on our smart phones, more and more applications are coming in for new cell towers in Knox County...9/13


Fed Undertakes QE3 With $40 Billion MBS Purchases Per Month

(San Francisco Chronicle) The Federal Reserve said it will expand its holdings of long-term securities with open-ended purchases of $40 billion of mortgage debt a month in a third round of quantitative easing as it seeks to boost growth and reduce unemployment...9/13

protestsMore protests break out in Muslim world as U.S. appeals for calm

(Washington Post) Protests inspired by an anti-Islam film targeted more U.S. facilities in the Muslim world Thursday, raising questions about whether governments had the will or even the ability to protect Americans abroad from angry demonstrators...9/13

Unemployment SignDiscouraged In Hunt For A Job, Many Stop Looking

(NPR) The U.S. population is growing. In normal times, the labor force — working or not — would be growing too. But these are not normal times, and the labor force is actually smaller than it was four years ago, meaning millions of people who should be there aren't...9/13

science & technology

Chemical BondsIn world's first, atomic force microscope sees chemical bonds in individual molecules

(PhysOrg) A nanographene molecule exhibiting carbon-carbon bonds of different length and bond order imaged by noncontact atomic force microscopy using a carbon monoxide functionalized tip. This molecule was synthesized at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Toulouse..9/13

human facesLooking at You: Face Genes Identified; Five Genes Have Been Found to Determine Human Facial Shapes

(Science Daily) Five genes have been found to determine human facial shapes, as reported by researchers from the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics...9/13

New monkey

A New Kind of Monkey, With Colors That Set It Apart

(New York Times) Scientists have identified a new species of African monkey whose coloring “is unlike anything I’ve ever seen,” as one of the researchers put it. The monkey, known by people in the Democratic Republic of Congo as the lesula, has a blond chin and upper chest, in contrast to its dark limbs.

Other Stories

World's oldest color film footage discovered in museum archive

(Engadget) Cached away for over a century, the world's first color moving pictures have been shown for the first time yesterday, according to the National Media Museum in the UK. The celluloid, shot by inventor Edward Raymond Turner in 1899, was actually in black and white and it was only through a curator's research that its colorful significance was also unearthed...

Apple Shares Hit Record On iPhone 5 Rollout Plans

Tim Cook(Investor's Business Daily) unveiled its tall, skinny iPhone 5 on Wednesday, and the media yawned. It showed off a colorful lineup of iPod music players, and reporters were not impressed. Even a performance by the rock group Foo Fighters at Apple's press event in San Francisco couldn't get bloggers to look up from their laptops and smartphones...9/13