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Congressman Scott Tipton

Congressman Scott Tipton
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  1. We witnessed last night the true cost of freedom when Ambassador Stevens and three members of the U.S. embassy staff in Libya were murdered by a mob in the streets of Benghazi. I'm deeply saddened by their loss and pray that their families find strength in the challenging days ahead. We must not yield in the face of these terrorist acts, but strengthen our resolve to defend our nation’s constitutional rights. America is the beacon of hope for the oppressed and an inspiration for all who long for freedom. The senseless and tragic attack last night and other similar acts of hatred will never change that.
  2. Yesterday in the Natural Resources Committee we held a hearing on to examine concerns that Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s memo to the Power Marketing Administrations could significantly raise the cost of electricity on 40 million Americans. ...
    From Politico: “'My communities over in Mesa County: 19.5 percent real unemployment. These people are struggling right now,' said Colorado Rep. Scott Tipton. He said the Obama administration is pursuing “policies that are taxation via regulation that are driving up of costs over many consumers, money they can never recoup.”
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  3. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of those who were senselessly killed eleven years ago, the heroes of that day who did everything they could to help, and with the troops who lost their lives in defense of our country since. May God bless America and watch over all the troops who fight for our freedom and protect our great nation!
  4. We continue to see the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression, with 14.7% of Americans unemployed, having stopped searching for work, or unable to find full time employment. Our country’s economic crisis will not be solved wi...
    th more big spending, debt and tax increases, but through policies that encourage growth and job creation. Let’s make America competitive in the international market once more by lowering the corporate tax rate (which is the highest in the developed world) to bring jobs back to America’s shores, invest in American energy development to create thousands of jobs, and provide responsible access to capital for small businesses to expand and put Americans back to work.
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  5. Can't beat starting the day in Grand Junction! Looking forward to visiting with the Sentinel editorial board today and seeing everyone at events throughout the weekend.
  6. Agriculture is a significant part of Colorado's economy. Take a look at the work I'm doing to address the challenges facing our farming and ranching communities, as well as working to expand export opportunities for Colorado products and create new jobs.
  7. I hope that you are enjoying the last days of summer with family and friends this Labor Day weekend!
  8. I don't believe that the Postal Service should be choosing winners and losers in the private sector by offering an unfair competitive advantage to a single large company. That is why I spearheaded a letter to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa to request a hearing on the recent Postal Service Negotiated Service Agreement.
  9. Had the opportunity to tour the Pueblo Chemical Depot. This state of the art weapons disposal facility is an important source of jobs for the area. Take a look at the coverage from the Chieftain:
  10. It's great to wake up in Pueblo this morning, the Home of Heroes! I'm starting the day with a tour of the Chemical Depot, and then have a full afternoon that includes meetings with my constituents. Maybe will be able to squeeze in a lunchtime Slopper!
  11. Today I met with the Del Norte Economic Development Council and the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee. I listened as they told me how government regulations are standing in the way of economic growth; preventing jobs and opportunities for the hard working people of my district. This is the message I continue to bring to Washington, where I'm fighting to reduce job-killing regulations and ...
    jump-start economic growth. We have passed legislation to remove duplicative and unnecessary regulations, as well as to put into place more extensive cost-benefit analyses of proposed regulations that may hurt small businesses. I urge my Senate colleagues to take up these common sense measures and join the House in getting government out of the way of economic recovery!
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  12. Yesterday I toured the Costilla County Bio Diesel Facility to learn more about how the fuel is produced and the impact that the plant has had on the local economy.
    Photo: Yesterday I toured the Costilla County Bio Diesel Facility to learn more about how the fuel is produced and the impact that the plant has had on the local economy.
  13. During last night's town hall in Monte Vista, I discussed what can be done to improve the economic climate and create jobs. Take a look at the coverage in the Chieftain.
  14. A massive tax increase at the end of the year is the last thing that struggling American families and small businesses need during an already tough economy. What we need is principled reform of the tax code. This is the topic of my column with Rep. Tom Price (GA) in this week's Pueblo Chieftain.
  15. Looking forward to seeing my constituents in Monte Vista tonight for a town hall meeting to have a good discussion on the issues and answer their questions! Will be in Fort Garland for a town hall tomorrow as well.
  16. Monday and Tuesday I will be in the San Luis Valley holding town hall meetings in Monte Vista and Fort Garland. If you live in the region please come out and let me know what issues are on your mind. I hope to see you there!

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