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LANL  Science

New frontiers in defense, nonproliferation, counterterrorism, energy, environment, health

Science Publications

Actinide Research Quarterly

cover of 3rd and 4th quarter Actinide Research Quarterly

ARQ highlights progress in actinide science in such areas as process chemistry, metallurgy, surface and separation sciences, atomic and molecular sciences, actinide ceramics and nuclear fuels, characterization, spectroscopy, analysis, and manufacturing technologies.

1663 Science and Technology Magazine

cover of 1663

1663 presents some of the most significant research initiatives and accomplishments of the Laboratory to a diverse audience. The articles cover topics from the entire portfolio of national-security-related programs, as well as from the discretionary research projects that advance the frontiers of basic science.

Nuclear Weapons Journal

cover of current Nuclear Weapons Journal

Nuclear Weapons Journal highlights ongoing work in the nuclear weapons program at Los Alamos National Laboratory. NWJ is an unclassified publication funded by the Weapons Programs Directorate.

New frontiers in defense, nonproliferation, counterterrorism, energy, environment, health



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Write to us at 1663magazine@lanl.gov.


New frontiers in defense, nonproliferation, counterterrorism, energy, environment, health
Science Publications

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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