Press Releases

Oct 12, 2011

Congressman Jeff Duncan Introduces Legislation on Iranian Terror Plot

“In light of this information, I have introduced H.Res. 429 to document what we know about Iran’s activity in the Western Hemisphere. The legislation also urges the Administration to include the Western Hemisphere in the Administration’s 2012 National Strategy for Counterterrorism’s “Area of Focus."

Sep 21, 2011

Congressman Duncan Announces District Events

Washington, DC- Congressman Jeff Duncan announces listening sessions for the upcoming district work week:

Sep 21, 2011

Congressman Jeff Duncan on Bridgestone’s Announcement to Invest Over $1.2 Billion and Create over 850 Jobs in South Carolina

Bridgestone has been one of our best corporate citizens and I’m thankful they’ve chosen to expand their operations and create jobs here in South Carolina.

Sep 16, 2011

Duncan Votes to End NLRB's Lawsuit Against Boeing

“I’m an original cosponsor of this legislation because I believe what the NLRB has done to Boeing and to the people of South Carolina is one of the most egregious bureaucratic abuses of power that this Administration has perpetrated. And with this Administration, that’s saying something,” said Duncan.

Sep 9, 2011

Congressman Jeff Duncan Issues Statement on President Obama’s Joint Address to Congress

In August, the President pleaded with Congress to raise taxes to pay down the debt. Now a month later, the President’s still demanding that we raise taxes, but this time it’s to pay for more government spending.

Aug 24, 2011

August Listening Tour Schedule

One of the most important things I can do as your Congressman is listen. For the next several weeks I'll be traveling across the district meeting with constituents and visiting small businesses to talk about job creation and the United States debt crisis. Along the way, I'll be holding several "listening sessions" so that I can have the chance to hear your concerns about what's going on in Washington.

Aug 15, 2011

Congressman Jeff Duncan's Legislative Update 8/15/11

I wasn’t sent to Washington to make deals for the sake of making deals, you sent me to Washington to fix a broken political system and help get our country back on track. You deserve to know the truth, and the truth is that there was plenty of solutions offered up that would have forced government to live within its means and protect the United States credit rating.

Aug 1, 2011

Congressman Duncan Opposes Debt Ceiling Increase

I don’t see anything remarkable about this deal aside from its ability to completely ignore the seriousness of our spending problem. While the 87 member freshmen class helped change the conversation towards cutting spending, this deal shows we have a long way to go before we change the culture in Washington.

Aug 1, 2011

Freshman Congressman Jeff Duncan on the Budget Control Act

While the Speaker’s plan is well intentioned, I believe we have to do more. Paltry cuts and another commission won’t bring about the types of serious structural reforms needed to save the nation’s credit rating.

Jul 25, 2011

Duncan Works to Reform Foreign Aid

This week, freshman Congressman Jeff Duncan introduced multiple amendments to the FY12 Foreign Relations Authorization Act that passed the full House Foreign Affairs Committee. “Our government borrows $0.43 cents of every dollar we spend as a nation, and some in Congress still think we’re the world’s piggy bank” said Duncan. “We’re $14.3 trillion in debt. Why should we pay countries to hate us when they’ve shown they’re willing to do it for free?”
