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  LANDFIRE Version Comparison (updated June 2012)
Name/Version National/ LF_1.0.0 LF 2001 "Refresh"/LF_1.0.5 LF 2008 "Refresh"/LF_1.1.0 LF 2010/LF_1.2.0
Description Original LANDFIRE data products, used circa 2001 LANDSAT imagery. Enhanced LF_1.0.0 layers to allow comparison between the circa 2001 Landsat based image data products and LF_1.1.0 Updated LF_1.0.5 products to reflect vegetation changes and disturbances 1999 - 2008. Will reflect vegetation change and disturbance 1999 - 2010.
Disturbance Imagery n/a n/a 1984-2008* 2007-2011
Completion 2009 2011 2011 2013
Data Products
Comments LF 2001 - Refined Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) based on local feedback. Remapped Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) and Height (EVH) in forested areas. BPS layer refined in western rangelands using Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO)

LF 2008 - Started with LF_1.0.5 and incorporated disturbances (fire, vegetation management, weather, etc.) & succession through 2008.*

LF 2010 - Will refine urban, agriculture, and wetlands and incorporate disturbance & succession through 2010.

* The algorithm required a time series of imagery to identify disturbance, imagery from 1984 – 2008 was used; some areas used imagery through 2009 or 2010, if available.

Archive versions

Version numbers consist of 3 fields – major.update.minor. LF_2.1.1 would indicate: major version 2, the first update of version 2, and the first minor revision of version 2.1. Major revisions would reflect a complete remap, updates would include disturbance related effects and minor revisions are reserved for systematic corrections or localized changes. Understand the strengths and limitations of the data sets or versions as this determines their applicability for a given analysis or application.

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