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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Fiscal Year 2009 Awards

In fiscal year 2009, NIJ made more than 500 awards for a total of approximately $243 million (includes first time awards and supplements to previous awards).[1] Awards were made in response to 38 solicitations.

In 2009 we present the awards in a table sortable by:

  • Award Title
  • Awardee
  • Amount
  • Award Number
  • Category
  • Solicitation

View the table of fiscal year 2009 awards.


[1] On February 11, 2011, the total approximate award amount was changed from $284 to $243 million to reflect corrected errors in the table of 2009 awards. In that table, award amounts for some projects have been corrected to show the actual amount of fiscal year 2009 funding awarded for these projects. The previous award amounts represented the total funding for the project over multiple years in addition to the fiscal year 2009 award.

Date Modified: February 11, 2011