Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

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Substance Abuse and Victimization Video Preview Transcript

[Opening: The title "Substance Abuse and Victimization" appears across a fuzzy scene of police tape, flashing lights, and the rear doors of an ambulance; a photo of two people with their arms around each other appears and then image fades to that of first male speaker.]

Male speaking to the camera: Part of the thing that we’ve learned is that there’s a strong relationship between victimization history, posttraumatic stress disorder, and the likelihood that you will have alcohol and drug abuse problems.

[male voice-over begins: three police officers stand in front of police car and behind yellow police tape, one hand slowly pours pills from a prescription bottle into other hand, male sitting at a table with back to camera lifts beer to his mouth and takes a drink]

Different male voice narrating: Whether it’s sexual molestation, assault, or some other offense, advocates often find that drugs and alcohol are complicating factors in recovery. It isn’t always clear whether the substance abuse or victimization came first, or the impact one has had upon the other, but it's obvious that advocates need to know more about the relationship between substance abuse and victimization.

[video ends… The title "Substance Abuse and Victimization" appears across a fuzzy scene of police tape, flashing lights, and the rear doors of an ambulance, then text on black screen]
Office for Victims of Crime
"Putting Victims First"

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