Current Solicitations

Here you can find a list of current grant solicitations in the area of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Additionally, some Federal agencies have specific web pages for nanotechnology funding opportunities. You can also find a variety of Government programs on our Funding Opportunities page.

This page is updated weekly, but for a full list of all available Federal grants visit, as well as Fed Biz As a note, solicitations are often worded generally and the technological tools to be employed, whether micro-, nano- or macro-scale, are not specified. Looking broadly into areas of interest—for instance, toxin removal or semiconducting materials—is often the best approach.

NASA Technology Transfer

NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA solicits interest from companies interested in obtaining license rights to commercialize, manufacture and market the following technology.

National Science Foundation's Metals and Metallic Nanostructures (MMN) Program

The Metals and Metallic Nanostructures (MMN) Program supports fundamental research on the relationship between the structure and properties of metals and alloys. "Structure" is used in the broadest sense, encompassing length scales from the atomic to the macroscopic, including the nano, micro and mesoscales.

National Science Foundation's Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetic Devices (EPMD) Program

The National Science Foundation's Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetic Devices (EPMD) program seeks to improve the fundamental understanding of devices and components based on the principles of micro- and nanoelectronics, photonics, magnetics, optoelectronics, electromechanics, electromagnetics, and related physical phenomena.

Dept. of Energy: SBIR and STTR Programs-- Multiple nanotechnology solicitations

There are multiple solicitations related to nanotechnology through the following DOE offices: Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research; Office of Fusion Energy Sciences; Office of Basic Energy Sciences; Office of High Energy Physics; Office of Biological and Environmental Research; Office of Nuclear Physics; and the Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.

DARPA Defense Sciences Research and Technology

The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency�s (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to pursue and exploit fundamental science and innovation for National Defense. Therefore, DSO is soliciting proposal abstracts and full proposals for advanced research and development in a variety of enabling technical areas.

NIH STTR Grant for Bioengineering in Diagnostics and Disease Intervention

National Institues of Health, Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative (STTR [R41/R42]).

NIH STTR Grant for Bioengineering in Diagnostics and Disease Intervention

National Institues of Health, Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative (STTR [R43/R44]).