Homework Help

Each school is a little bit different. Each grade has its own challenges and benefits. From pre-k to college being involved with your child’s education is important. For a lot of dads helping with homework can seem daunting. How much time do you spend? What if you don’t know the answer? What if your kids don’t want your help?
Here are some tips and resources to help you navigate homework help like a pro.

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Helping with Homework

Source: National Fatherhood Initiative 

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Read Together

  • Reading is Fundamental’s "Let's Read Together!" includes a list of resources on selecting books, ways to encourage struggling readers, and partnering with teachers.
  • When reading with young children who are still learning to read, move your finger along with the words as you read. This will help them follow along and start to recognize letter and sound combinations.
  • With older kids, take a look at their school reading list and read along with them. Every time you come to the end of a chapter or section, talk about it together. Listen to what they thought, and share some thoughts of your own.

Source: PBS Parents
Book suggestions and articles, including an interactive Bookfinder tool that lets you search by age and theme for a book that’s appropriate and interesting for your child.

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Tips and Links

How Fathers Can Help Their Children Read: Pre-School Stage
Source: Fatherhood.About.com
Tips for parents with children in preschool, elementary, middle and high school, as well as committing to life long reading.
Reading Tips for Parents
Source: U.S. Dept. of Education
These tips and resources are available in English and Spanish.
What Did You Learn in School Today?: Tips for Getting Your Kids to Talk about School
Source: Fatherhood.About.com
Talk about your day first.
Conversations about school often happen after sharing something about your day. Maybe a joke someone told at lunch or an interesting bit of current event news would stimulate a conversation about something at school.
Ask direct questions.
Rather than asking, "What did you do at school today?" consider asking some specific questions that will give you specific information you want.
Use the backpack as a conversation starter.
Go through your child’s backpack with them every day after school. You may find the little notes from teachers with assignments on them, as well as tests and homework assignments returned with grades on them.
Homework Help Tips
Source: Fatherhood.About.com
These links connect you to different resources for helping with homework by age and special situations.
Homework Tips for Teens
Source: Fatherhood.About.com
Create an Environment Geared Toward Your Teen.
Some teens need privacy, others, prefer people around them. Find the place in your home that your teen is comfortable to do his work. Have the tools they need to get the work done.
Pick a Time and Stick To It.
Let your teen be the one to come up with his daily routine. They are more apt to stick with it this way. Set up a consequence if they are unable to stick to the routine, beforehand.
Resources from the Department of Education for Parents with Students with Special Needs

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White House logo
In response to President Obama’s call for a national conversation on responsible fatherhood and healthy families, learn how you can join the President's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative.
Información en Español
En respuesta al llamado del presidente Obama para una conversación nacional sobre la paternidad responsable y las familias saludables, aprender cómo usted puede unirse a la Iniciativa Presidencial de Padres y Mentores.