NNI Brochure

Subject Area:
NNI Budget and Strategy
NNI Publications and Reports
Author: NSET
Publication Date: Oct. 28 2011


A trifold brochure providing an overview of the Federal Government's National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). If you would like a hard copy to be mailed to you, contact info@nnco.nano.gov

Nanotechnology Fact

Nanotechnology has the potential to profoundly change our economy and improve our standard of living, in much the same way as information technology advances have revolutionized our lives and the economy over the past two decades. While some commercial products are beginning to come to market, many major applications for nanotechnology are still 5-10 years away. Private investors look for short-term returns on investment, generally in the range of 1-3 years. Consequently, government support for nanotechnology research and development in its early stages is required to ensure that the United States can maintain a competitive position in the worldwide nanotechnology marketplace while realizing nanotechnology’s full potential. For more information on the various funding mechanisms of the NNI, see Funding Opportunities. To see some examples of what NNI funding has accomplished, see NNI Achievements in Nanotechnology.

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