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Instructor Guide (IG-110)
- Responding to a Mine Emergency

On February 8, 2008, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) published the final rule for Mine Rescue Teams. In addition to the changes made for underground coal mine rescue, the final rule added new language to 30 CFR Part 75.1501, "Emergency evacuations."

MSHA has developed an Instructor Guide (IG-110); "Responding to a Mine Emergency," specifically designed to assist in developing a training program that meets the requirements of 30 CFR Part 75.1501(a)(2). The IG is organized into 11 sections, corresponding with the topics listed in Part 75.1501(a)(2). To assist in making the training appropriate for each mine, each section lists recommended site-specific materials that should be used in developing an effective program, tailored to your operation.

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