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__________________________ FOREST RECLAMATION ADVISORIES __________________________ FORESTRY RECLAMATION APPROACH __________________________
__________________________ MINED LAND REFORESTATION CONFERENCES __________________________ PLANTING TREES ON LEGACY MINES __________________________ REFORESTATION AWARDS __________________________ REFORESTATION RESEARCH __________________________ STATE AND PRIVATE NURSERIES __________________________ STATEMENT OF MUTUAL INTENT





The Forest Reclamation Advisories are informational documents put together by the ARRI Science Team to clearly explain the Forestry Reclamation Approach and address questions about reclamation practices that can be used to prepare coal mined lands to forestry related landuses.  Each Advisory highlights 1 of the 5 FRA Steps.

The Advisories are written to be easily understood and are for audiences that include the mining industry and agency personnel, landowners, and anyone interested in growing trees on surface mines.

The Advisories are written to be easily understood and are for audiences that include
the mining industry and agency personnel, landowners, and anyone interested
in growing trees on surface mines.

PDF icon Forest Reclamation Advisory No. 1 - The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative
The goals of the ARRI and the purpose of the Forest Reclamation Advisories are explained.  [December 2005]

PDF icon Forest Reclamation Advisory No. 2 - The Forestry Reclamation Approach (FRA)
The FRA is the science-based technique for reclaiming coal-mined land to forest while complying with the existing State and Federal mining laws. This advisory explains the 5 steps of the FRA.  [December 2005]

PDF icon Forest Reclamation Advisory No. 3 - Low Compaction Grading to Enhance Reforestation Success on Coal Surface Mines
This advisory describes final-grading techniques that can be used during reclamation to prepare coal-surface mines to support a forested postmining land use.  [July 2007]

PDF icon Forest Reclamation Advisory No. 4 - Loosening Compacted Soils on Mined Sites
Some areas of mine sites become compacted due to machinery operation, traffic, and storage. Advisory No. 4 describes practices for ripping compacted areas so as to loosen soils as necessary to achieve successful reforestation. [July 2007]

PDF icon Forest Reclamation Advisory No. 5 - Mine Reclamation Practices to Enhance Forest Development Through Natural Succession
Succession is a term used to describe natural changes in plant community composition over time. In this advisory, the ways in which reclamation methods can encourage rapid succession and accelerate the development of high quality postmining forests are described. [July 2007]

PDF icon Forest Reclamation Advisory No. 6 - Tree Compatible Groundcovers for Reforestation and Erosion Control [July 2009]
The FRA uses a slow growing, noncompetitive, tree-compatible ground cover.  Advisory No. 6 addresses FRA’s 3rd step and describes methods for establishing ground cover vegetation to control erosion without hindering the survival and growth of the trees planted.

(*Please note: The Science Team was formerly known as the Academic Team and may still be referred to as such on older ARRI publications).

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