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US Dept. of the Interior
Office of Surface Mining
Washington, DC 20240

LAST UPDATED 03/07/2012

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Image of the  Capitol Building Image of Western Mountain Range. Image of Wheat Field. Image of Applachian Mountains.


The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement National Technology Transfer effort facilitates a coordinated partnership between Federal, State, Tribal, Academic, and Industry interests related to the evaluation of coal mining impacts and development of solutions to minimize impacts.  Solutions are aimed toward results which can be cost effective regulatory compliance, and assist in the development and sustainability of post-mining landscapes.  Since the implementation of SMCRA, various OSM Program Initiatives have been instrumental in advancing scientific knowledge through application of technologies and cooperative solutions to better manage and restore wildlife habitat areas, yield more productive soils and streams, and to identify and manage potential risks. 

The solutions and applications are developed and advanced through participation in conferences, workshops, and forums where the exchange of information and experiences fosters an effective and efficient use of Federal, State, Tribal, Academic, and Industry resources.  These Program Initiatives are a reflection of coordinated efforts to achieve long-term success through the evaluation and minimization of coal mining impacts.

(Click on an Initiative below to find more info.)

  • Acid Drainage Technology Initiative (ADTI)
  • Bat Conservation
  • Coal Combustion By-Products
  • Dam Safety
  • Geomorphic Reclamation
  • Geospatial
  • Mine Fires
  • National Mine Map Repository (NMMR)
  • Reforestation
  • Technical Studies Program
    Technical studies are funded in whole or in part by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) and conducted by parties other than OSM. OSM often provides significant involvement in these projects to ensure that projects meet intended objectives. Technical studies include: applied science projects, underground mine map projects, data conversion projects, and technical investigations/studies/symposia. These activities are conducted in support of Title IV and Title V of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA).
    • Applied Science Project - Projects that develop and demonstrate improved technologies to address public safety and environmental issues related to the mining of coal and reclamation of the lands affected after mining.
    • Underground Mine Map Project - Projects that encourage efforts to collect, preserve and convert into digital format, maps of the underground mines and other relevant geologic, hydrologic and biologic data that provide valuable information regarding: miner safety; mine pool evaluation; mine subsidence investigation, and protection of the public and the environment from the adverse effects of underground coal mining (link to UGMM Initiative Web page at:
    • Data Conversion Project - Projects that convert into digital form, mine permit data and maps related to evaluating the impacts of coal mining so that the information may be used in a geographic information system (GIS) accessible by federal, state, and tribal agencies for assessing impacts of coal mining and reclamation on the environment. Data conversion projects may also convert existing legacy databases to modern database software, and/or provide hardware and programming assistance for states to transition to managing and using this digital data.
    • Technical Investigations/Studies/Symposia - Investigations or studies of special topics related to coal mining and reclamation, and support for meetings, forums or symposia that communicate the latest findings and technologies to the SMCRA community. The technical investigations/studies/symposia are conducted in partnership with states, tribes, researchers and/or others, and funded by OSM from sources other than the Applied Science Program budget.
  • Underground Mine Mapping (UGMM)