Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

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Victims’ Rights: Dare To Dream Public Service Announcement Video Preview Transcript

[Puzzle pieces fill the screen; piece in middle is missing. In the "hole" is a montage of people’s faces, young and old, male and female, and close-ups of people hugging and grieving.]
Voice over:
If you or someone you know

[Camera begins to pull back and show more of the framing puzzle pieces.]
Voice over:
has been a victim of crime,

Voice over: you should know:

[Camera continues to pull back.]
Voice over:
You have rights.

Voice over: You can get help.

Voice over: You can work for positive change.

[Words on screen cover the "hole" in the puzzle pieces. As camera pulls back, it becomes clear that the puzzle pieces form a picture of the Statue of Liberty, with missing puzzle piece at the spot of the statue’s right eye.]
Victims’ Rights: Dare To Dream
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
April 9-15, 2000

Voice over:
The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.

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