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Healthy Air. Healthy You.
Learn how air quality affects your health during Air Quality Awareness Week, April 30-May 4.

Monday: It's Not Just Ozone. Particle Pollution Matters, Too
smog image You probably heard that ground-level ozone is bad for you. But did you know that there’s another common pollutant that can harm your lungs and your heart? More

Tuesday: Know When You Can Breathe Easy
Girl with inhaler Today is World Asthma Day. If you have asthma, you’re among the millions of people more at risk from both particle pollution and ozone.  Here’s why: particle pollution can penetrate deep into the lungs, aggravating lung disease, triggering asthma attacks and bronchitis, and increasing susceptibility to respiratory infections.  Ozone can inflame the airways, reduce lung function and make people more sensitive to allergens – all of which can be problems for people with asthma. More

Wednesday: Heads Up: Particle Pollution Can Harm Your Heart
EKG image

You’re doing a lot of things to keep your heart healthy. You eat right. You exercise. You don’t smoke. Are you paying attention to air quality? If not, today’s the day to start. More

Thursday: Where there's smoke … there's particle pollution!
Forest Fire image If you’ve ever been near a forest fire, you know how thick the smoke can get. But did you know that means particle levels may be extremely high? More

Friday: You Can Help Keep the Air Cleaner and Your Family Healthier
Because particle sources include vehicles and power plants, you can help reduce particle pollution by driving less, keeping your car well-maintained, and using less energy. Also, avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment when particle levels are forecast to be high. More

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