
Older woman with groceries MedlinePlus: Nutrition for Seniors

DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.

Provides a gateway to the latest news and information on the topic of nutrition seniors and aging. Offers links to research and related topics. Also in Spanish.

Let's Eat for the Health of It (PDF | 1 MB)

USDA. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.

Based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, brochure provides tips for building a healthy plate, eating the right amount of calories for you, being physically active, and more.

USDA MyPlate Food Guidance System

USDA. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion.

The MyPlate food guidance system replaces MyPyramid. The Daily Food Plan can help you choose the foods and amounts that are right for you.

Eating Well as You Get Older

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.

Older adults can learn how to make wise food choices and can find information about food labels, food safety, meal planning, food shopping, and ways to enhance the enjoyment of eating.

Healthy Eating After 50

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.

Addresses nutrition and feeding issues for seniors such as chewing problems and loss of taste, and provides tips on shopping on a budget.

National Institute on Aging Exercise & Physical Activity Guide cover Exercise & Physical Activity: Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.

An updated guide for older adults on how to incorporate physical activity into everyday life. Includes sample exercises, progress tracking tips, and information on healthy eating. Also available in PDF (9.6 MB) or ordered via print copy.

Five Ways Older Adults Can Be More Physically Active (PDF | 46 KB)

NIH. National Diabetes Education Program.

Provides tips for increasing physical activity to prevent type 2 diabetes in older adults.

Eating Smart: A Nutrition Resource List for Consumers (PDF | 193 KB)

USDA. NAL. Food and Nutrition Information Center.

This publication is a compilation of resources on general nutrition and healthy eating for the consumer. Resources are in a variety of formats, including books, newsletters, and materials on the World Wide Web.

FNIC Lifecycle Nutrition: Aging

USDA. NAL. Food and Nutrition Information Center.

Maintained by the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC), provides a listing of resources on nutrition in aging.

National Institute on Aging

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.

Leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life through aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people.

NIH Senior Health - High Blood Cholesterol

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.

On-line interactive infomation on high blood cholesterol for seniors. Also in printer-friendly format. Senior Citizens' Resources

Provides links to information for older Americans on topics such as consumer protection, employment, education, health, retirement and taxes.

US Administration on Aging

DHHS. Administration on Aging.

Federal focal point and advocate agency for older persons and their concerns, including health and nutrition, and the Elderly Nutrition Program.

Eldercare Locator

DHHS. Administration on Aging.

Links older Americans, their families and caregivers to information and resources on services provided to seniors, including state and local agencies and other community organizations.

Elders and Families: Nutrition

DHHS. Administration on Aging.

Dedicated to helping older adults remain healthy and active by providing nutrition information and resources.

NIH Senior Health - Osteoporosis

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging; National Library of Medicine.

Online resource with information and videos for seniors about osteoporosis, including risk factors, warning signs, treatment and research, and more.

Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center

DHHS. NIH. NIAMS. Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases - National Resource Center.

Provides a gateway to general information, fact sheets, research and link to other important osteoporosis information.

Seniors and Kidney Disease

DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.

Learn about kidney disease and how it affects older adults.

To Your Health! Food Safety for Seniors

DHHS. FDA. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition; USDA. Food Safety and Inspection Service.

Discusses food safety practices and risks for the elderly. Also in PDF|852 KB and in Spanish.


Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics.

Provides statistical information on the aging population, including information on dietary quality, obesity, and physical activity.

The Graying of America

USDA. ERS. Food Review.

A series of articles discuss food and older Americans. Specific issues addressed include: demographic characteristics, diet quality, food expenditures, food security, food stamp use, and risk of foodborne disease.

Eat Smart Live Strong logo graphic of a carrot and apple. Eat Smart, Live Strong: Nutrition Education for Older Adults

USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.

Designed to improve fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among 60-74 year olds participating in or eligible for FNS nutrition assistance programs.

Nutrition and Health Characteristics of Low-Income Populations: Volume IV, Older Adults

USDA. Economic Research Service.

Data from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES-III) were used to compare the nutrition and health characteristics of the nation's older adults.