Nanomanufacturing, Industry Liaison, & Innovation (NILI)

NILI is the Nanomanufacturing, Industry Liaison, & Innovation Working Group of the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee, the interagency body responsible for coordinating the NNI, the Federal program that oversees nanotechnology R&D.

Purpose and Goals

The overall purpose of the Nanomanufacturing, Industry Liaison, & Innovation (NILI) Working Group is to advance and accelerate the creation of new products and manufacturing processes derived from discovery at the nanoscale. This includes stimulating nanotechnology innovation in and by Federal Government agencies, for their use and in transferring technology among industry, academe, and State and local organizations. The NILI Working Group serves to coordinate nanomanufacturing R&D and translation activities among the participating agencies, which also involves liaison and close coordination with the private sector, where nanomanufacturing innovations will be implemented. It also facilitates interagency cooperation, and cooperation with industry, in the development of standards and nomenclature. 

The NILI Working Group has the following goals:

  • Facilitate nanotechnology innovation, nanomanufacturing advancement, and technology transfer in and by Federal agencies, in order to optimize the utility of these activities to mission agencies, to industry, and to society. 
  • Exchange information and stimulate interactions relating to nanoscience, nanotechnology, and nanomanufacturing among Federal agencies, academe, industry, professional societies, and State and local organizations.
  • Create innovative methods for transferring technology to industry.

The NILI Working Group will:

  • Enhance communication of information related to nanotechnology innovation and nanomanufacturing amongst the NSET Subcommittee, NNI participating agencies, and the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO).  This may include information about research and workforce education, manufacturing issues, market-driven needs, standards and nomenclature, and utilization of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer programs.
  • Facilitate the identification, prioritization, and implementation of activities to improve technology exchanges among Federal, State, and local organizations and university and industry stakeholders in nanotechnology.  Assist in the development of resources, information, methodologies, and strategies that support rapid transfer of nanotechnology innovation to industry.
  • Facilitate the development of a coordinated program of nanomanufacturing R&D across the Federal agencies and the private sector, in order to speed the widespread application of nanotechnology innovations into new and improved products and services for commercial and public benefit.
  • Facilitate industry-led partnerships—including Consultative Boards for Advancing Nanotechnology (CBANs)—between the NNI and industry sectors.  Formation of a CBAN or other liaison group is open to any industrial sector.  Each partnership will meet periodically and will prepare a joint NNI-industry sector statement outlining the main goals and planned activities. Each partnership may develop strategies in order to, but not limited to:

- Review existing research and development (R&D) activities supported by the NNI and by industry;
- Identify important areas of R&D focus and potential NNI-industry collaboration;
- Promote U.S. industry use of NNI R&D results, NNI infrastructure, and workers educated through NNI programs;
- Encourage the development of longer term (5 to 10 year) plans to facilitate transition of NNI results to industry;
- Facilitate development of nanotechnology standards, including, for example, nomenclature and terminology, in collaboration with standards organizations and other stakeholders.
- Plan and support collaborative activities in key R&D areas for the benefit of the professional community and public;
- Identify the best practices for facilitating technological innovation and technology transfer within various industries;
- Facilitate exchange of pre-competitive information on best practices and R&D priorities in nanomanufacturing;
- Foster the development of nanotechnology intellectual property (IP), and identify barriers for the protection of IP, consistent with the goal of accelerated commercialization, under U.S. and international patent and trademark regulations.


Membership is open to all Federal agencies and their component organizations.  Each participating agency may have a representative on the Working Group, and if desired may name alternates.


NNI Research Centers and Networks

Centers and networks provide opportunities and support for multidisciplinary research. See a list of these centers and learn more about the research they are supporting.