Click on the key issues below to learn more about what the Natural Resources Committee is currently working on:

Job Creation

House Republicans are focused on creating new jobs and putting people back to work. The Natural Resources Committee is promoting policies that will grow our economy and foster new job creation. Keep Reading »

Reducing Spending

Congress must take action to reduce spending because our nation’s debt is putting the United States' economic future at risk. It is costing jobs and burdening future generations with higher taxes. Keep Reading »


Congress has a responsibility to keep the Administration accountable to the American people and ensure that decisions are open and transparent. A critical part of this effort is congressional oversight. Keep Reading »

American Energy Initiative

The American Energy Initiative is an ongoing effort by House Republicans to address rising gasoline prices and expand American energy production in order to lower energy costs, grow our economy and create jobs. Keep Reading »

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Opening less than 3% of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska for responsible energy production could create thousands of jobs, generate billions in new revenue and help reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil. Keep Reading »

Rising Gasoline Prices

House Republicans are committed to addressing America’s rising gasoline prices, boosting American energy production and stopping the Obama Administration’s policies that are driving up gasoline prices. Keep Reading »

All-of-the-Above Energy Approach

An all-of-the-above approach will create jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign oil by responsibly developing our alternative energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydropower, nuclear, geothermal and biomass, along with clean coal and American-made oil and natural gas. Keep Reading »

Forest Health and Wildfires

If managed wisely, America’s national forests can provide wildlife habit, recreational opportunities, abundant domestic supplies of natural resources and support thousands of jobs in the timber industry. Keep Reading »

American Energy Roadblocks

Since taking office, President Obama and his Administration have actively blocked, hindered and delayed American energy production. Keep Reading »

National Ocean Policy

On July 19th, 2010, President Obama signed an Executive Order to adopt the final recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force. These policies will hinder rather than promote ocean activities and cost American jobs. Keep Reading »

Endangered Species Act

Signed into law in 1973, the goal of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was to preserve, protect and recover key domestic species. After more than two decades, the ESA should be modernized and updated to once again focus the law on true species recovery. Keep Reading »


Hydropower, generated mainly from hydroelectric dams, is a clean, renewable, non-emitting source of energy that provides low-cost electricity and helps reduce carbon emissions. Keep Reading »

Man-Made California Drought

California’s San Joaquin Valley is the salad bowl of the world. However, with another man-made drought looming, it is in danger of becoming a dust bowl unless immediate action is taken to change policies that put the needs of fish above the livelihood of people. Keep Reading »

Border Security on Federal Lands

Serious security gaps exist on federal lands along the northern and southern U.S. border. Our federal lands have become a highway open to criminals, drugs smugglers, human traffickers and potentially terrorists. Keep Reading »

Potential National Monument Designations

Republicans continue to seek increased transparency on the Administration’s plans to potentially designate new national monuments and will oppose efforts to unilaterally lock-up more public land. Keep Reading »