Arson & Explosives Training Programs

Updated: 06/23/11

Crimes involving arson and explosives are the most devastating crimes confronting our society. They destroy property, disrupt human lives, and place an ever increasing economic burden upon our citizens. The increasing number of violent acts involving arson and explosives has established a greater need for State and local investigators with a high level of expertise.

In response to this problem, and by virtue of its statutory authority under Title XI of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, ATF initiates investigations and assists in State and local bomb and arson investigations. ATF’s experience in these investigations has shown that a cooperative effort between trained State and local officers and ATF results in more effective investigations.

In order for law enforcement to adequately combat these violations, cooperation among Federal, state, and local agencies is essential to achieve this coordinated effort.

As part of this cooperative effort, ATF offers training in arson and explosives for state and local investigators and prosecutors. Click here for a copy of the State and Local Training Registration Request.

Advanced Explosives Destruction Techniques
(Course ID EXPL-CS-0001)

Program Description: In 1999, ATF explosive experts recognized a disturbing fact: Bomb technicians in the United States were more likely to be killed or injured while conducting an explosives disposal operation than any other mission, including attempting to render safe an improvised explosive device. Moreover, numerous bomb squad accident investigations conducted by ATF revealed that additional training was the single most effective way to attempt any reduction in the number of these accidents.

In response to this need, the ATF Office of Training and Professional Development, in cooperation with the ATF Explosives Technology Branch, developed the AEDT training program for bomb technicians and explosives specialists. AEDT provides in depth classroom and range instruction in virtually every aspect of explosives disposal.

ATF provides travel and lodging in addition to training, classroom materials and range tools. Students are also reimbursed a daily per diem rate as determined by GSA. The course is delivered at the ATF Explosives Training Branch located at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.

Curriculum includes:

  • Relevant Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws and regulations
  • Relevant Department of Transportation laws and regulations
  • Explosives storage laws and regulations
  • Explosives Disposal Range Management and Operational Planning
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Disposal techniques for most types of explosives
  • Fireworks and pyrotechnic hazards

Duration of course: Two-week period with Monday of first week and Friday of second week as travel days. The weekend is open. Eight (8) days instruction.

Prerequisites for Attendance: Applicant must be a full time public safety official trained as a Bomb Technician and whose mission includes destruction of explosive materials. Selections are based on several factors, which includes but is not limited to, verified assignment, and geographical balance.

Application: Download ATF F 6400.1 — State and Local Training Registration Request. Send the completed application via fax or email at to the Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7501. Those selected will be contacted via email of available course dates.

Course Dates
Course From To Location
TBA TBA TBA Redstone Arsenal, AL

Contact: Chief, Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7501 for additional information.

Post Blast Investigative Techniques II
(Course ID EXPL-CS-0002)

Program Description: Program Description: This is an intermediate course designed to further enhance an investigator’s proficiency in conducting explosion investigations and to promote coordination of investigative activities with other agencies. This course was originally developed by ATF in conjunction with other explosives experts and members of the IABTI (International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators).

The training includes, classroom participation, an explosives demonstration and several range days of investigating various explosion incidents.

Applicant must provide his or her own transportation to the training facility. ATF provides training, classroom materials, range tools and lodging. Students are also reimbursed a daily per diem rate as determined by GSA.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • IED Electronics
  • Methods of processing and documenting a post blast scene
  • ATF team concept and member responsibilities
  • Post blast investigation forensics
  • Evolution of the Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

Length of Training: Eight (8) days instruction comprised of a two-week period with Monday of first week and Friday of second week as travel days. The weekend is open.

Prerequisites for Attendance: Applicant must be a full time public safety official whose primary mission is to investigate bombing incidents and other explosions. Selections are based on several factors, which includes but is not limited to, verified assignment, investigative experience, and geographical balance.

Application: Download ATF F 6400.1 — State and Local Training Registration Request. Send the completed application via fax or email at to the Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7500. Those selected will be contacted via email of available course dates.

Course Dates
Course From To Location
TBA TBA TBA Redstone Arsenal, AL

Contact: Chief, Explosives Training Branch at 804-633-1555 ext 12 for additional information.

Post Blast Investigative Techniques I
(Course ID EXPL-CS-0013)

Program Description: This is a basic post blast course designed to teach a systematic method of investigating an explosion scene. The course provides instruction in explosives identification and applications, explosives effects, IED component recognition and evidence collection. The course is delivered at a variety of locations throughout the United States based on requests from ATF Field Divisions.

The course is comprised of classroom participation, an explosives demonstration and actual investigation of a post blast scene.

Student must provide his or her own transportation, lodging and meals. ATF provides instructors, classroom supplies, training materials, and range tools. Student selection is conducted by the ATF Field Office hosting the training. Please contact the local ATF Field Office hosting the course for more information.

Some of the topics covered include:

  • Introduction to Explosives
  • Introduction to improvised explosive devices (IED)
  • Post blast scene processing and forensics
  • ATF team concept

Length of Training: 5 class days

Prerequisites for Attendance: Applicant must be a full time public safety official whose primary mission is to investigate bombing incidents and other explosions. Selections are intended to facilitate coordination of agencies in the area of operation where the training is being produced.

Application: Download ATF F 6400.1 — State and Local Training Registration Request. Contact the local ATF field office where the training site is being held for transmittal of application.

Course Dates
Course From To Location
TBA TBA TBA Redstone Arsenal, AL

Contact: Chief, Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7500 for additional information.

Advanced Origin and Cause/Courtroom Techniques
(Course ID ARSN-CS-0002)

This program is designed to enhance the origin and cause investigative skills of the public service fire investigator. It involves the in-depth study of fire dynamics, fire chemistry, electrical fire causation, burn patter analysis and fire scene documentation. Instruction will be presented through classroom lectures and practical exercises. The curriculum involves fire scene processing with an emphases on the practical applications of scientific knowledge. Students are required to process fire scenes utilizing the “team concept” and “scientific approach” and prepare technical reports documenting their findings for use in court proceedings as an expert witness. A written test is administered at the completion of the course, as well as a final practical exercise, and a mock trial which is designed to prepare the student to testify as an expert witness. The course is designed for experienced fire investigators and is highly advanced and technical in nature. Because of the advanced level of this program, student selection is considered vital to the overall effectiveness of the program. To meet minimum background prerequisites, applicants must be full-time public service employees whose workloads are focused primarily upon the investigation of arson related crimes. Additionally, the applicants must be certified Fire Investigators, OR have equivalent experience. In addition to the registration request, all applicants must submit an extensive Curriculum Vitae, which documents their experience in arson investigation, origin and cause determination, and courtroom testimony, if any. It is suggested that students have completed and course R205 or R206 at the National Fire Academy (NFA).

Course Dates
Course From To Location
TBA TBA TBA Emmitsburg, MD

Contact: The Arson Training Branch at 301-447-3437 for additional information.

Home Made Explosives (Identification, Process, Disposal)(Course ID EXPL-CS-0018)

The course target audience is Military EOD, ATF Certified Explosives Specialists and Explosives Enforcement Officers and State and Local Bomb Technicians. Pre-requisites for this course are successful completion of ATF’s Advance Explosives Disposal Techniques (AEDT) Course. The objectives of the course are to expose personnel to the precursors used by criminals in the manufacture of homemade explosives; identify the hazards of mixed or partially mixed precursor chemicals; identification for sampling of suspected chemicals; evidentiary collection; scene documentation; remote methods of removing; and the safe disposal of such HME

Application: Download ATF F 6400.1 — State and Local Training Registration Request. Send the completed application via fax or email at to the Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7500. Those selected will be contacted via email of available course dates.

Course Dates
Course From To Location
ID EXPL-CS-0018 July 11, 2011 July 15, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 August 15, 2011 August 19, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 September 19, 2011 September 23, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 October 24, 2011 October 28, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 January 23, 2012 January 27, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 February 27, 2012 March 2, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 May 7, 2012 May 11, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 June 25, 2012 June 29, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 July 16, 2012 July 20, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 August 13, 2012 August 17, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 September 10, 2012 September 14, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 October 22, 2012 October 26, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 November 5, 2012 November 9, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0018 December 3, 2012 December 7, 2012 Redstone Arsenal, AL

Contact: Contact HME Program Manager Scott Fulkerson at 256-261-7516 for additional questions

Introduction to Explosives and IEDs (Course ID EXPL-CS-0020)

This one day course will introduce students to explosives (commercial, military, homemade), improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and bomb threat management. The purpose of this course is to provide audience members with basic identification and familiarization of explosive materials as well as considerations for responding to bomb threats. There will also be discussion of the Alabama explosives statutes. This will be accomplished through classroom presentations and a range demonstration. This class has been approved for 8 Basic APOSTC Continuing Education Units. The target audience for this course includes first responders, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, and sworn security personnel from the local communing area. Space is limited to 40 people per session. All interested personnel are required to complete the registration form Intro to Explosives and IEDs and return it to

Application: Download ATF F 6400.1 — State and Local Training Registration Request. Send the completed application via fax or email at to the Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7500. Those selected will be contacted via email of available course dates.

Course Dates
Course From To Location
ID EXPL-CS-0020 October 12, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0020 November 17, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL
ID EXPL-CS-0020 December 7, 2011 Redstone Arsenal, AL

Contact: Chief, Explosives External Training Branch at 256-261-7500 for additional information