Office of Law Enforcement
Protecting Wildlife and Plant Resources
Office of Law Enforcement Permits

Law Enforcement issues the following permits:

Regional Permit Office addresses.

Import/Export License - This permit is generally required for all individuals or businesses that engage in business as an importer or exporter of wildlife. This permit, which is valid for one year, must be acquired from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement office within the Region where the applicant is located before any wildlife is imported or exported.

Port Exception Permit - This permit authorizes import or export of wildlife at a port other than a required designated port or authorized border or special port under limited circumstances. These permits may be issued (1) for scientific purposes, (2) to minimize deterioration or loss, or (3) to alleviate undue economic hardship. Applicants must demonstrate that they meet the criteria for issuance of these special permits.

This permit, which is valid for two years, must be acquired before importing or exporting wildlife. A port exception permit may be issued for single or multiple imports or exports. If applicants apply for a protected species permit in addition to a port exception permit, the port exception permit may be issued by the protected species permit office. To review information on the criteria for qualifying for a port exception permit, see our regulations on permits for scientific purposes (14.31), to minimize deterioration or loss (14.32), or to alleviate undue economic hardship (14.33).

CITES Export Permits for Certain Wildlife - Law Enforcement issues CITES export permits for furs or skins of bobcat, river otter, Alaska lynx, Alaska gray wolf, Alaska brown bear, or American alligator. Law Enforcement also issues CITES permits for the export of a sport-hunted trophy and its parts, products, and derivatives of the Alaskan population of black bear.

CITES Re-export Certificates for Certain Wildlife - Law Enforcement issues re-export certificates for Appendix-II and –III wildlife unless a permit is required under 50 CFR Part 17 (Endangered or Threatened Species), Part 18 (Marine Mammal), or Part 21 (Migratory Bird). If a permit is required under these regulations, the Division of Management Authority will issue the re-export certificate.

Last updated: August 15, 2012