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FishWatch Gets a Fresh Look


“Science-based tools like FishWatch are the go-to source for real seafood sustainability. In FishWatch, NOAA Fisheries, the government’s independent authority on fisheries, has produced an easy to read, navigate and comprehend tool that seafood buyers should use to understand the true state of our nation’s fisheries.”

—John Connelly, President
National Fisheries Institute


“We are really excited to see NOAA include aquaculture species in FishWatch. Like wild-caught fish, consumers want to know that aquaculture products are sustainable.NOAA reviews our permits to ensure that is the case. It will be great to have an authoritative website providing this information to our customers.”

—Bill Dewey 
Taylor Shellfish

 Seafood on ice. 

“We’ll definitely guide people to the FishWatch site as a place where they can get good information on the status of U.S. fisheries, how they are managed, and important health and nutritional information on seafood. Well done!”

—Philip Chou 


Find easy-to-understand science-based facts to help you make smart sustainable seafood choices.                         

The science behind the seafood. 

Effective fishery management starts with accurate scientific information about fish and fisheries. From surveying fish populations to tracking annual harvests, scientists collect and analyze all sorts of data, which fishery managers then use to make sound decisions about the sustainable operation of fisheries. In fact, U.S. fisheries are required to meet 10 national standards for fishery conservation and management, including using the best science available. Our science-based management process is rebuilding depleted fish populations and maintaining healthy ones.

The 85 seafood profiles on FishWatch have information ranging from a species’ origin and biology to how we study and monitor populations. They also cover how these species are harvested and managed, and, of course, how they taste!

Up to date.

FishWatch delivers regularly updated information on popular seafood harvested
in the United States. We introduce consumers to the dynamic process of sustainably managing living resources in an ever-changing ocean environment. These resources are influenced not only by fishing, but also by many other variables such as climate, pollution, and natural shifts within the ocean ecosystem. We actively monitor and manage for these variables, and FishWatch reflects this ever-changing information.

Easy to digest.

Don’t worry. No technical, government talk here—just information that helps
you understand the complex science, laws, and management process actively
sustaining our seafood supply. Through FishWatch, learn how U.S. seafood is
responsibly harvested under strict regulations that keep the environment healthy,
fish populations thriving, and our seafood industry on the job. Also, find out what
we’re doing to make sure that imported seafood is safe and that it comes from legal and sustainable fisheries.

Eat well on our watch.

NOAA Fisheries maintains FishWatch. We scientifically monitor and manage
U.S. fisheries, and U.S. fishermen follow the most restrictive regulations in the
world. These regulations work to sustain our fishery resources, the ecosystems
in which they live, and the people that depend upon them. We’re also involved
with developing a sustainable aquaculture industry in the United States, helping
to ensure aquaculture is environmentally and economically sustainable through
strict regulations, proven management practices, and proper siting of farms.
Look to FishWatch for the story of U.S. seafood from the ocean or farm to your

Safe and healthy seafood.

Experts agree that we should eat two servings of seafood per week. How do
you ensure the nutritious seafood you’re eating is not only sustainable but
also safe and high quality? FishWatch explains how we inspect seafood in the
United States for both safety and quality and provides tips to help you purchase
the best product possible. FishWatch also has guidelines on properly handling
seafood and even offers some of our favorite sustainable seafood recipes from
chefs around the country.

Come back for seconds.

We’ve lined up a number of new features for the site. FishWatch will soon profile farm-raised seafood and include more information about imports—both major
components of our seafood supply. We’ll also address new challenges and hot
topics as they arise in the seafood world. FishWatch is a living resource. Make it
your go-to resource for the facts you need to make smart seafood choices.


Fresh facts.

Smart seafood.

“The new FishWatch website is a great blend of scientific, management, and species information that will help both industry and consumers. We depend on information from FishWatch—it offers more of the information we need and is easy to use.”

—Justin Boevers