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An Official Web Site of the United States Government
Saturday, September 15, 2012

the opportunity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please review other FAQs found under the "Become a PMF" section

  1. Who is eligible to be in the PMF Program?
  2. How long is the program?
  3. How do I apply?
  4. Will I be paid? How about benefits?
  5. Can I get any of my student loans paid back if I join the program?
  6. What are the requirements to graduate from the program?
  7. If I am selected as a Finalist, am I guaranteed a job?

1. Who is eligible to be in the PMF Program?

Based on current PMF regulations and policies, students who will meet all graduate degree requirements, including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, between September 1st of the current year through August 31st of the following year, are eligible to apply in the fall of the current year for the Class of the next year.  For example, if you will successfully complete your graduate degree requirements between September 1, 2011 and August 31, 2012, you are eligible to apply in September 2011, for the PMF Class of 2012. Please go to the Become A PMF section for additional information for the Class of 2012 application cycle.

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2. How long is the program?

The PMF Program lasts two years.

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3. How do I apply?

The application process for the PMF Program is rigorous. You can go to the How to Apply section of this website to find out more.

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4. Will I be paid? How about benefits?

PMF Program participants are paid full salary and benefits at the GS-9, GS-11, or GS-12 (or equivalent) level depending on the position they're hired into. Finalists are initially appointed at the GS-9, GS-11, or GS-12 (or equivalent), but may promote as high as a GS-13 (or equivalent) during their 2-year fellowship. The Compensation section of this website has more information.

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5. Can I get any of my student loans paid back if I join the program?

PMF Program participants are eligible for the Federal Student Loan Repayment Program depending on the agency. You can get more information on this topic on the Federal Student Loan Repayment Program webpage.

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6. What are the requirements to graduate from the program?

Fellows who complete the following requirements may graduate from the PMF Program:

  • Attend a minimum of 160 hours of formal classroom training (80 hours per year)
  • Complete at least one developmental assignment four to six months in length
  • Create a performance plan and undergo an annual performance review with a minimum rating of "successful" for each year of their fellowship
  • Create an Individual Development Plan (IDP), used to set goals for your time in the program
  • Receive Executive Resource Board (ERB; or equivalent) certification that you have met all program requirements prior to conversion
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7. If I am selected as a Finalist, am I guaranteed a job?

No. If you are selected as a Finalist, you are eligible for a PMF appointment by a Federal Agency; however, Finalists are not guaranteed a Federal job. Finalists have up to one year to obtain a fellowship appointment. Even after the one year deadline, however, Finalists can use External Link Icon to apply competitively for Federal positions outside of the PMF Program.

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UPDATED: 09-15-2011, 1:40 PM (ET)