Collaborations & Funding Mechanisms

Opportunities for collaboration and mechanisms for funding facilitate the discovery and deployment of nanotechnology to serve the public good. Among these are strategic programs, partnerships, and initiatives—through both the public and private sectors—that exist to assist scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to advance the field of nanotechnology and its commercialization.

Federal Government Activities

The Federal Government supports and fosters the growth of nanotechnology for the benefit of society and the nation.

Commercialization Resources

A variety of regional, state, and commercial activities and collaborations are in place to support the United States nanotechnology industry.

International Engagement

The NNI participates in multinational collaborations, and participates in international meetings, symposia, working groups, and organizations.

NNI Research Centers and Networks

Centers and networks provide opportunities and support for multidisciplinary research. See a list of these centers and learn more about the research they are supporting.

Nanotechnology Fact

Nanomaterials are all nanoscale materials or materials that contain nanoscale structures internally or on their surfaces. These can include engineered nano-objects, such as nanoparticles, nanotubes, and nanoplates, and naturally occuring nanoparticles, such as volcanic ash, sea spray, and smoke.