February 26, 2004
Air Midwest Flight 5481


Accident Overview   [ PPT | PDF
Lorenda Ward, Investigator-in-Charge


Flight Path Animation (WMV, 4.03MB)

This three dimensional animated reconstruction shows the flight of Air Midwest Flight 5481, which crashed at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina on January 8, 2003. The following accident reconstruction displays information from the flight data recorder, cockpit voice recorder, recorded radar data, and aircraft performance data. This reconstruction does not depict weather or visibility conditions at the time of the accident.

The animation shows a three-dimensional model of the airplane and its motion. Selected comments from the Cockpit Voice Recorder transcript are superimposed as text at the time they occurred. The time of day (based on the FAA's Air Traffic Control radar data), aircraft altitude in feet, and aircraft speed in knots are depicted as text.



Pitch Control Cable System Animation (WMV, 3.28MB)

This three-dimensional animation (with narrated audio) is divided into two segments. This first segment illustrates an overview of the Beech 1900D pitch control system.


Aircraft Systems Engineering   [ PPT | PDF
Robert L. Swaim


Pitch Control Cable System Animation (WMV, 2.92MB)

This three-dimensional animation (with narrated audio) is divided into two segments. This second segment depicts the components and functions of the pitch control system and demonstrates the difference in a properly adjusted system and an improperly adjusted system.

Airplane Performance   [ PPT | PDF
Kevin J. Renze, Ph.D.

Aircraft Maintenance and Records   [ PPT | PDF
Stephen Carbone

Human Performance   [ PPT | PDF
William J. Bramble, Jr., Ph.D.