Board Meeting Animations - Collision Between Metrolink Train 901 and Mercury Transportation, Inc., Tractor-Semitrailer at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossing

November 27, 2001

Glendale, California
January 28, 2000


Disclaimer: Visualizations presented below used scene and vehicle surveys, witness statements, vehicle operating characteristics, and pictures from the scene. The depictions are not intended to represent actual lighting or weather conditions at the time of the accident

Videos were presented at the Board meeting on 11/27/01 in Washington, D.C., for the Glendale, CA Accident Investigation.

Vehicle Dynamics: Three different visualizations of the tractor-semitrailers path were rendered. The visualizations are intended to illustrate the following information, which is based on information gathered from witnesses:

Video1GlenWrongTurn (Video = 890K)
1. That the tractor-semitrailer traveled south on Grandview Avenue missed a planned left turn on to San Fernando Road and as a result made an unscheduled rail crossing.



Video2GlenTurnToStop (Video = 2351K)
2. That after making the unscheduled crossing the driver went around the block, made a right turn onto Grandview Avenue from Air Way, and reapproached the crossing from the south, stopping at the crossing gate for on oncoming train.



Video3GlenImpact (Video = 890K)
3. After stopping for the oncoming train the tractor-semitrailer proceeded across the tracks, became hung up on the tracks, and was struck on the right side by a westbound train.



The simulations were produced on an HVETM system using SIMON, EDGENTM and ReadDataFileTM. All of the programs are trademarks of the Engineering Dynamics Corporation and Collision Engineering Associate.