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Office of the Director

Joseph Pizarchik, Director
Glenda Owens, Deputy Director
Michele Altemus, Chief of Staff
Nancy Smith, Special Assistant to the Deputy Director
Connie L. Johnson, Deputy Ethics Counselor

The Director is OSM’s chief executive. The Director provides the leadership and direction of OSM activities within the limits delegated under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act. The Director’s primary objectives are to aggressively pursue the reclamation of abandoned mine lands and to prevent environmental problems in the coalfields by working with state agencies. OSM makes every effort to obtain full public involvement in the design and development of agency policy.

OSM continues outreach efforts that promote public participation in policymaking. Such participation includes public meetings on proposed rulemaking, and conferences, that promote discussion and exchange of information on the state of the coal industry and OSM’s evolving role. OSM continues to take steps to contact states, tribes, citizens, and industry and encourage their participation in the policymaking process.

In addition to guiding policy decisions, the Director provides direct supervision to the following offices: Office of Equal Opportunity, Office of Communications, Office of Planning, Analysis and Budget, and the Office of the Chief Information Officer.

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